terrorism in own backyard....part 2
Date: 2006-09-02 04:00
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....part 2
Security: Private
Chronology of Akers Problem....
It all started when I told James to leave at end of July, cause of ID theft. James staed w/ us from July 5th to the 28th. He started calling & threatening us cause we went to police about it. Judge conviceted him on 2 counts of threatening & harrassing phone calls. He told James to leave us alone. Rasnic appealed it. In middle of Dec, James moved in with the Hicks across street. Heather Jones heard from Megan Goodman bragging at school, that the only reason he moved there was to harrass us.
Dec. 15, 2005
12:30 - 12:45 pm
Ron went to get Ronnie off bus. He got jumped by 5 people, 3 with guns. One hit him in the mouth, cutting inside of his mouth, They threatened to burn our house down tonite.
Dec 16, 2005
James living with Hick across street.
Dec. 21, 2005
Ronnie & I were outside making x-mas wreaths. James came out, talking on cordless phone. In between his phone calls, Ronnie heard & I saw him say he was going to rape her & myself. Called the police, but dispatch refused to send an officer out even to just look into the matter because, she said, my lip reading and hearing loss weren't good enough to warrant an officer coming out.
Jan 30, 2006
Megan Goodman came up to Ronnie & told her to lay off of James, or she'd kick Ronnie's ass. Megan was with Jelisa Coomer & 2 teen boys. Heather Jones witnessed it also. Ronnie spoke to Casey & Officer Crabtree abou tit the next day. Megan lives next to Lee Bank - yellow ranch-style house #518.
Feb 10, 2006
7:10 pm
Someone shooting at me from direction of Hicks, on rt 642 on my way back from BP.
Feb 12, 2006
Sonia moved in w/ us.
evening hours
Feb 15, 2006
3:40 - 3:45pm
While Ron waited for Ronnie after school at bus stop, Blue Durango pulled up, James rolled window down cussing Ron & threatening to kill him. Durango took off & came back w/ no James. Tag # Durango JRJ 1201.
James walking up road on RT. 642.
Feb 21, 2006
James getting into vehicle & making threatening gestures at Ron.
Feb 23, 2006
Court - protective order, permanent until Dec. 2006. Against james.
Feb. 24, 2006
Durango came to pick up Brenda Hicks, who while waiting was constantly staring over here.
March 7, 2006
James no-show at court (appeal).
Bill Hicks and James pointing shotgun through window @ our dining room windows.
March 8, 2006
3:45 pm
Bill Hicks, by black truck, pointing something @ Ron as Ron was getting Ronnie off school bus.
7:15 pm
Someone (male) called from prepaid cell phone, heavy breathing, sounding like he was "getting off."
March 10, 2006
Court. Sonia almost f'ed up court, by wanted t oget in James' face while waiting for court io begin in afternoon. Jamesadmitted to threats and pled guilty to phone charges. Was sentenced to 2 yrs probation, $500 fine and 90 days in jail, suspended. Judge told him not to speak, email, or bother us in any way shape or form. Told him it would be a good idea to move.
March 11, 2006
Made Sonia leave, cause she tried to force herself on Ron, & was refusing to help me get food in th ehouse. She made it very clear that if they didn't like it, they could go witrhout....Told her to not come back on property or speak to us again.
March 12,2006
7:45 pm
Went to B/P, Sonia there, tried to follow me home, yelling and wanting to start a fight.
Sonia went with James next door.
March 13, 2006
12:36 pm(after midnight)
Brenda flipping us off, and waving arms in windows.
early morning hours 1 am - 5:30 am
Brenda, Sonia, and James spent the night shining blue lights & making threatening gestures at us. Brenda also playing with blue/green light sticks while James in full view of window flipping us off & making gun gestures at us.
3:45 pm
Set Sonia's luggage outside on property line of drive way. Wind was blowing strong, so luggage fell over. When I went outside to set it back up, Sonia, Brenda, and James came out straight at me, so I went back in house through back door. James came within 20 feet of me with something in his hand. Sonia started yelling something.
After I was back in house, Sonia came into yard, pacing back & forth still yelling, wanting me ot come outside to fight.
4:08 pm
James outside flipping us off, making threatening gestures, climbing tree and acting like a total jerk.
March 14, 2006
7:45 am
Sonia on back porch, staring at me.
noon hours
Every time Ron or I went outside, a few moments later Bill, Sonia, or Brenda would be out on thier back porch watching us.
At school
Megan throwing stuff at Ronnie during lunch ~ 5th period. Ronie told Miss Brewer about it.
Bill outside revving motor of black Ford. But, hasn't been working on it today.
Bill & Mr. Beard revving motor of black Ford again.
March 15, 2006
Bill revving motor of black Ford again, but as usual not appearing to be working on it.
7:15 pm
Red Dodge truck came back; while Brenda, her daughter & Sonia got out, driver of truck shaking a blue light towards our house. When in house, Sonia came to window making gun gestures.
Brenda's daughter playing with blue light around black truck 3x's.
Brenda flashing blue lights on back porch, making dogs bark everywhere.
March 20, 2006
Someone waving arms in air in Hick's yard.
Just before midnight
Someone shining lights through kitchen windows, jsut before that 3 pings off propane tanks and Sonia staring over here through windows.
March 21, 2006
Bill followed me to BP And back home. He didn't have any bags or such from store, so why did he go to store behind me?
March 23, 2006
I went to BP to get some dinner, meanwhile people next door watching my leaving & for my return.
Ron went to BP. As always, someone outside watching him, but too dark to say who it was exactly. Happens all the time.
10:20 pm
Sound of glass hitting glass, 3rd time.
March 24, 2006
Jeff @ Septic Remedy called wanting to speak to James about "his septic system". 1-800-834-3405 phone number. It was done online day before yesterday, most prob within last month. Called police about it. Major Woodard called back bitching me out for speaking to Carla At DOJ. He refused to send an officer out.
March 26, 2006
7 emails for James at Ron's hotmail account (lostdyingsoul@hotmail.com) for loans, credit cards and mortgages.
1st of emails: Ronnie Doss (branch manager) @ Beneficial. 276-669-6181. I spoke to Mr. Doss, told him what was going on, he said he'd make sure it didn't happen again.
March 27, 2006
Kelly from Champion Mortgage called asking for James.This one was done on 3/26/06. He was trying to get a mortgage on this house using our phone number & Ron's email addy. phone #: 1-866-151-2274.
Also Oak Street Mortgage called, for same thing for James. PH#: 1-813-342-4021.
March 28, 2006
Sonia still across street, been hiding out of sight.
12:30pm (afternoon)
When I went to BP, as I came out, saw Bill standing behind store watching me.
Ames Home Loans, Kenita called asking for James again. 1-866-891-0010. James trying to refinancea nonexisting mortgage on this house. Customer Service 1-800-737-1192. They had just got it in from the internet today.
9:45 pm
James waving something that looked like a rifle in wondow towards here & shining lights through windows again.
March 29, 2006
Bobby Ellis came by & picked up cd's w/ pics & emails. Said they'd talk to Shawn to see what is going on.
March 30, 2006
1:15 am
Someone flashing lights from Hicks again.
March 31, 2006
1:45 pm
Mr. Parsons came over to look at septic tank. While here, the old guy @ Hick's standing by fence staring unnervingly at Mr. Parsons. Mr. Parsons wasn't to liking to that.
April 1, 2006
11:01 pm
Someone flashing blue light again.
April 3, 2006
11:25 am
H&R Block Mortgage called asking for Ron. They swore up & down that it was to discuss a refinance on the house. Thing is thogh, Ron has never done anything with H&R Block Mortgage. Melanie (supervisor) 1-877-HR BLOCK.
9:10pm - 9:35pm
Bill, Brenda, Gary, and couple others got out of Chevy Astro Van waving blu & green lights while Bill waved what looked like a revolver around.
April 6, 2006
James back across street again, driving silver car. Bill keeps switching plates between Black truck & black Chevy Astro.
April 7, 2006
8:45 am
James and everyone outside, when James got into silver car, pointing what looked like a little snub-nose pistol over here.
April 10, 2006
3:45 - 4pm
Hicks' pups going after Ron & Ronnie. Bill egging them on to attack.
April 11, 2006
Got medicine to help control bleeding. Am seeing Dr. Libdeh bout female probs, bleeding to point of hemmohraging. Cause by stress across street.
April 11 to April 12, 2006
midnight to 5am
Brenda & couple others kept staring over here, shining lights through front windows all nigt long.
April 15, 2006
They are shining lights again and staring over here. James over there whole weekend.
April 16, 2006
Same as night before, but mainly Sonia, Brenda, and Bill.
April 17, 2006
7-8 pm
Sonia & Brenda up & down street, angrily, & heading towards BP, while I was going to store. Brenda had what seemed like a gun in her waistband of pants. James over @ Hicks too. He showed up @ Hicks after I got back from BP.
April 18, 2006
~9:50 - 10:15 pm
Two shots rang out from a pellet gun. One hit my right ankle as I walked to BP. Shots came from direction of Hicks. Chris Oakley took report.
April 19, 2006
Ron got email at Myspace, seemed to be from James, but no return email addy, threatening all of us again.
When I went to BP, guy w/ curly hair on Hicks' back porch with what looked like a rifle of some sorts watching & waiting, looking towards Old Woodway Road.
April 20, 2006
12:13 am
James over @ Hicks W/ bag of clothes. He is over there so often is hard to tell if he moved to Pennington or not. During this time, he was riding old guy'd blue & white moped up & down gravel.
April 21, 2006
James left on moped between 3:15pm and 3:30pm. Returned 11:25pm.
April 22, 2006
James returned from somewhere.
James left on moped again.
April 23, 2006 Sunday night
10:55 pm
James came back.
James flashed moped light through livingroom window. When we went to see what was what, he pointed a small pistol at us and a small laser pointer @ Ron's chest. Then made gestures of wanting Ron to come outside to fight, then he took off. Called polcie. James came back while we were waiting for police. When police showed up, Sonia and Brenda kept getting in thier way before Chris Oakley & AJ McQueen could come over here. James left again while officers in our house talking to us.
April 22 to April 23, 2006
Over weekend, several members of Trenchcoat Society over @ Hicks. Ron recognized one of them as the driver of 80's black Chevy Impala that jumped him as he tried to ealk to Pennington on 3/3/06 ~1-2pm. White male, ~30's, facial hair but not bushy & not kept either, about James' build but taller, dark eyes, and hair sort of wavy.
April 24, 2006
Sonia walking down road.
3:05 pm
James back again.
3:10pm James on moped again.
April 26, 2006
Tim Blecher & Donna Kolb helped me get warrants on James for brandishing and violating protective order.
9:25 pm
JYE-1302. tag number of older mustang, dark color, black or blue. acted like wanted to run me over at stop sign as i was on way to BP. Someone that looked like James was in Back seat.
April 27, 2006
James arrested on warrants that evening, but was obviously released cause seen him across street 7:59 - 8pm.
9:15 pm
Brenda at fence staring over here like she wanted to pick a fight with me.
Plus all evening Brenda's daughter bringing Ronnie's stuff to Hicks from Susie. Super-Nintendo system & games, PS1 system & games, DVD player. and guitar granny got her.
April 28, 2006
noon- 1pm
Bill & old guy continually staring over here, talking twixt themselves, neither appearing to be in a good mood.
1:17 pm
James on a metallic red moped, obviously not in jail. Hicks & old guy standing in front of him, trying to hide him.
Back on moped again & left towards Susie's.
April 29, 2006
blue convertible tried to run Daisy over. James & Brenda's daughter racing scooters up & down gravel road.
April 30, 2006
All night long, someone messing around in shadows, too dark to tell who it was.
May 2, 2006
11:50-`12:10 am
James across street.
May 3, 2006
5 pm
James & Megan on red scooter up & down gravel.
May 4, 2006
James living at Susie's. Ronnie saw helmet he wears on porch in front of house.
May 5, 2006
Bill, Brenda, Jerico came back from Susie's w/ Ronnie's hunting clothes and old brown teddy bear (one I fixed) that Ron had as baby & gave it to Ronnie.Brenda had on Granny's red plaid shirt. Ronnie saw it & got extremely upset.
May 8, 2006
9:21 pm
2 pings off side of house and at same time over at Hick's someone at side of van w/ door open ie. light was on, and turned oit off very quickly. Brenda also seen running towards house quickly.
May 9, 2006
Hicks puppies went after Ronnie on way home from school.
May 10, 2006
James over at Hicks
May 14, 2006
Curtain moved on Hicks' front door. Ronnie turned around & saw James flipping her off. Her & I were on our way back from BP.
May 19, 2006
3:45 pm
Hicks' puppies after Ronnie again.
May 21, 2006
2 am
James across steet again, Brenda outside with him til he left.
Letter written to FBI about ID theft....
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet to return any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an officer out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said he'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
FTC report number of ID Theft from James .....7565200
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet t oreturn any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an office out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said hr'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
If keeping the peace of justice is a main concern of yours when looking for a plce to live, then don't consider living in Lee County, Virginia. Recently I've been in court a lot over a protective order in this county. The person I have it against has viloated it several times. But the police and justice system of this county refuse to do anything about it. This person has pulled guns on us more than once, they have put a knife to my husband's throat,threatened to rape my step-daughter, made threats of burning our home, and the list goes on. But would you believe, the local sheriff's department refuses to do anything about it. We've been told by one officer that it is not the LCSD job to protect people, or gather evidence, or get warrants.
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....part 2
Security: Private
Chronology of Akers Problem....
It all started when I told James to leave at end of July, cause of ID theft. James staed w/ us from July 5th to the 28th. He started calling & threatening us cause we went to police about it. Judge conviceted him on 2 counts of threatening & harrassing phone calls. He told James to leave us alone. Rasnic appealed it. In middle of Dec, James moved in with the Hicks across street. Heather Jones heard from Megan Goodman bragging at school, that the only reason he moved there was to harrass us.
Dec. 15, 2005
12:30 - 12:45 pm
Ron went to get Ronnie off bus. He got jumped by 5 people, 3 with guns. One hit him in the mouth, cutting inside of his mouth, They threatened to burn our house down tonite.
Dec 16, 2005
James living with Hick across street.
Dec. 21, 2005
Ronnie & I were outside making x-mas wreaths. James came out, talking on cordless phone. In between his phone calls, Ronnie heard & I saw him say he was going to rape her & myself. Called the police, but dispatch refused to send an officer out even to just look into the matter because, she said, my lip reading and hearing loss weren't good enough to warrant an officer coming out.
Jan 30, 2006
Megan Goodman came up to Ronnie & told her to lay off of James, or she'd kick Ronnie's ass. Megan was with Jelisa Coomer & 2 teen boys. Heather Jones witnessed it also. Ronnie spoke to Casey & Officer Crabtree abou tit the next day. Megan lives next to Lee Bank - yellow ranch-style house #518.
Feb 10, 2006
7:10 pm
Someone shooting at me from direction of Hicks, on rt 642 on my way back from BP.
Feb 12, 2006
Sonia moved in w/ us.
evening hours
Feb 15, 2006
3:40 - 3:45pm
While Ron waited for Ronnie after school at bus stop, Blue Durango pulled up, James rolled window down cussing Ron & threatening to kill him. Durango took off & came back w/ no James. Tag # Durango JRJ 1201.
James walking up road on RT. 642.
Feb 21, 2006
James getting into vehicle & making threatening gestures at Ron.
Feb 23, 2006
Court - protective order, permanent until Dec. 2006. Against james.
Feb. 24, 2006
Durango came to pick up Brenda Hicks, who while waiting was constantly staring over here.
March 7, 2006
James no-show at court (appeal).
Bill Hicks and James pointing shotgun through window @ our dining room windows.
March 8, 2006
3:45 pm
Bill Hicks, by black truck, pointing something @ Ron as Ron was getting Ronnie off school bus.
7:15 pm
Someone (male) called from prepaid cell phone, heavy breathing, sounding like he was "getting off."
March 10, 2006
Court. Sonia almost f'ed up court, by wanted t oget in James' face while waiting for court io begin in afternoon. Jamesadmitted to threats and pled guilty to phone charges. Was sentenced to 2 yrs probation, $500 fine and 90 days in jail, suspended. Judge told him not to speak, email, or bother us in any way shape or form. Told him it would be a good idea to move.
March 11, 2006
Made Sonia leave, cause she tried to force herself on Ron, & was refusing to help me get food in th ehouse. She made it very clear that if they didn't like it, they could go witrhout....Told her to not come back on property or speak to us again.
March 12,2006
7:45 pm
Went to B/P, Sonia there, tried to follow me home, yelling and wanting to start a fight.
Sonia went with James next door.
March 13, 2006
12:36 pm(after midnight)
Brenda flipping us off, and waving arms in windows.
early morning hours 1 am - 5:30 am
Brenda, Sonia, and James spent the night shining blue lights & making threatening gestures at us. Brenda also playing with blue/green light sticks while James in full view of window flipping us off & making gun gestures at us.
3:45 pm
Set Sonia's luggage outside on property line of drive way. Wind was blowing strong, so luggage fell over. When I went outside to set it back up, Sonia, Brenda, and James came out straight at me, so I went back in house through back door. James came within 20 feet of me with something in his hand. Sonia started yelling something.
After I was back in house, Sonia came into yard, pacing back & forth still yelling, wanting me ot come outside to fight.
4:08 pm
James outside flipping us off, making threatening gestures, climbing tree and acting like a total jerk.
March 14, 2006
7:45 am
Sonia on back porch, staring at me.
noon hours
Every time Ron or I went outside, a few moments later Bill, Sonia, or Brenda would be out on thier back porch watching us.
At school
Megan throwing stuff at Ronnie during lunch ~ 5th period. Ronie told Miss Brewer about it.
Bill outside revving motor of black Ford. But, hasn't been working on it today.
Bill & Mr. Beard revving motor of black Ford again.
March 15, 2006
Bill revving motor of black Ford again, but as usual not appearing to be working on it.
7:15 pm
Red Dodge truck came back; while Brenda, her daughter & Sonia got out, driver of truck shaking a blue light towards our house. When in house, Sonia came to window making gun gestures.
Brenda's daughter playing with blue light around black truck 3x's.
Brenda flashing blue lights on back porch, making dogs bark everywhere.
March 20, 2006
Someone waving arms in air in Hick's yard.
Just before midnight
Someone shining lights through kitchen windows, jsut before that 3 pings off propane tanks and Sonia staring over here through windows.
March 21, 2006
Bill followed me to BP And back home. He didn't have any bags or such from store, so why did he go to store behind me?
March 23, 2006
I went to BP to get some dinner, meanwhile people next door watching my leaving & for my return.
Ron went to BP. As always, someone outside watching him, but too dark to say who it was exactly. Happens all the time.
10:20 pm
Sound of glass hitting glass, 3rd time.
March 24, 2006
Jeff @ Septic Remedy called wanting to speak to James about "his septic system". 1-800-834-3405 phone number. It was done online day before yesterday, most prob within last month. Called police about it. Major Woodard called back bitching me out for speaking to Carla At DOJ. He refused to send an officer out.
March 26, 2006
7 emails for James at Ron's hotmail account (lostdyingsoul@hotmail.com) for loans, credit cards and mortgages.
1st of emails: Ronnie Doss (branch manager) @ Beneficial. 276-669-6181. I spoke to Mr. Doss, told him what was going on, he said he'd make sure it didn't happen again.
March 27, 2006
Kelly from Champion Mortgage called asking for James.This one was done on 3/26/06. He was trying to get a mortgage on this house using our phone number & Ron's email addy. phone #: 1-866-151-2274.
Also Oak Street Mortgage called, for same thing for James. PH#: 1-813-342-4021.
March 28, 2006
Sonia still across street, been hiding out of sight.
12:30pm (afternoon)
When I went to BP, as I came out, saw Bill standing behind store watching me.
Ames Home Loans, Kenita called asking for James again. 1-866-891-0010. James trying to refinancea nonexisting mortgage on this house. Customer Service 1-800-737-1192. They had just got it in from the internet today.
9:45 pm
James waving something that looked like a rifle in wondow towards here & shining lights through windows again.
March 29, 2006
Bobby Ellis came by & picked up cd's w/ pics & emails. Said they'd talk to Shawn to see what is going on.
March 30, 2006
1:15 am
Someone flashing lights from Hicks again.
March 31, 2006
1:45 pm
Mr. Parsons came over to look at septic tank. While here, the old guy @ Hick's standing by fence staring unnervingly at Mr. Parsons. Mr. Parsons wasn't to liking to that.
April 1, 2006
11:01 pm
Someone flashing blue light again.
April 3, 2006
11:25 am
H&R Block Mortgage called asking for Ron. They swore up & down that it was to discuss a refinance on the house. Thing is thogh, Ron has never done anything with H&R Block Mortgage. Melanie (supervisor) 1-877-HR BLOCK.
9:10pm - 9:35pm
Bill, Brenda, Gary, and couple others got out of Chevy Astro Van waving blu & green lights while Bill waved what looked like a revolver around.
April 6, 2006
James back across street again, driving silver car. Bill keeps switching plates between Black truck & black Chevy Astro.
April 7, 2006
8:45 am
James and everyone outside, when James got into silver car, pointing what looked like a little snub-nose pistol over here.
April 10, 2006
3:45 - 4pm
Hicks' pups going after Ron & Ronnie. Bill egging them on to attack.
April 11, 2006
Got medicine to help control bleeding. Am seeing Dr. Libdeh bout female probs, bleeding to point of hemmohraging. Cause by stress across street.
April 11 to April 12, 2006
midnight to 5am
Brenda & couple others kept staring over here, shining lights through front windows all nigt long.
April 15, 2006
They are shining lights again and staring over here. James over there whole weekend.
April 16, 2006
Same as night before, but mainly Sonia, Brenda, and Bill.
April 17, 2006
7-8 pm
Sonia & Brenda up & down street, angrily, & heading towards BP, while I was going to store. Brenda had what seemed like a gun in her waistband of pants. James over @ Hicks too. He showed up @ Hicks after I got back from BP.
April 18, 2006
~9:50 - 10:15 pm
Two shots rang out from a pellet gun. One hit my right ankle as I walked to BP. Shots came from direction of Hicks. Chris Oakley took report.
April 19, 2006
Ron got email at Myspace, seemed to be from James, but no return email addy, threatening all of us again.
When I went to BP, guy w/ curly hair on Hicks' back porch with what looked like a rifle of some sorts watching & waiting, looking towards Old Woodway Road.
April 20, 2006
12:13 am
James over @ Hicks W/ bag of clothes. He is over there so often is hard to tell if he moved to Pennington or not. During this time, he was riding old guy'd blue & white moped up & down gravel.
April 21, 2006
James left on moped between 3:15pm and 3:30pm. Returned 11:25pm.
April 22, 2006
James returned from somewhere.
James left on moped again.
April 23, 2006 Sunday night
10:55 pm
James came back.
James flashed moped light through livingroom window. When we went to see what was what, he pointed a small pistol at us and a small laser pointer @ Ron's chest. Then made gestures of wanting Ron to come outside to fight, then he took off. Called polcie. James came back while we were waiting for police. When police showed up, Sonia and Brenda kept getting in thier way before Chris Oakley & AJ McQueen could come over here. James left again while officers in our house talking to us.
April 22 to April 23, 2006
Over weekend, several members of Trenchcoat Society over @ Hicks. Ron recognized one of them as the driver of 80's black Chevy Impala that jumped him as he tried to ealk to Pennington on 3/3/06 ~1-2pm. White male, ~30's, facial hair but not bushy & not kept either, about James' build but taller, dark eyes, and hair sort of wavy.
April 24, 2006
Sonia walking down road.
3:05 pm
James back again.
3:10pm James on moped again.
April 26, 2006
Tim Blecher & Donna Kolb helped me get warrants on James for brandishing and violating protective order.
9:25 pm
JYE-1302. tag number of older mustang, dark color, black or blue. acted like wanted to run me over at stop sign as i was on way to BP. Someone that looked like James was in Back seat.
April 27, 2006
James arrested on warrants that evening, but was obviously released cause seen him across street 7:59 - 8pm.
9:15 pm
Brenda at fence staring over here like she wanted to pick a fight with me.
Plus all evening Brenda's daughter bringing Ronnie's stuff to Hicks from Susie. Super-Nintendo system & games, PS1 system & games, DVD player. and guitar granny got her.
April 28, 2006
noon- 1pm
Bill & old guy continually staring over here, talking twixt themselves, neither appearing to be in a good mood.
1:17 pm
James on a metallic red moped, obviously not in jail. Hicks & old guy standing in front of him, trying to hide him.
Back on moped again & left towards Susie's.
April 29, 2006
blue convertible tried to run Daisy over. James & Brenda's daughter racing scooters up & down gravel road.
April 30, 2006
All night long, someone messing around in shadows, too dark to tell who it was.
May 2, 2006
11:50-`12:10 am
James across street.
May 3, 2006
5 pm
James & Megan on red scooter up & down gravel.
May 4, 2006
James living at Susie's. Ronnie saw helmet he wears on porch in front of house.
May 5, 2006
Bill, Brenda, Jerico came back from Susie's w/ Ronnie's hunting clothes and old brown teddy bear (one I fixed) that Ron had as baby & gave it to Ronnie.Brenda had on Granny's red plaid shirt. Ronnie saw it & got extremely upset.
May 8, 2006
9:21 pm
2 pings off side of house and at same time over at Hick's someone at side of van w/ door open ie. light was on, and turned oit off very quickly. Brenda also seen running towards house quickly.
May 9, 2006
Hicks puppies went after Ronnie on way home from school.
May 10, 2006
James over at Hicks
May 14, 2006
Curtain moved on Hicks' front door. Ronnie turned around & saw James flipping her off. Her & I were on our way back from BP.
May 19, 2006
3:45 pm
Hicks' puppies after Ronnie again.
May 21, 2006
2 am
James across steet again, Brenda outside with him til he left.
Letter written to FBI about ID theft....
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet to return any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an officer out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said he'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
FTC report number of ID Theft from James .....7565200
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet t oreturn any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an office out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said hr'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
If keeping the peace of justice is a main concern of yours when looking for a plce to live, then don't consider living in Lee County, Virginia. Recently I've been in court a lot over a protective order in this county. The person I have it against has viloated it several times. But the police and justice system of this county refuse to do anything about it. This person has pulled guns on us more than once, they have put a knife to my husband's throat,threatened to rape my step-daughter, made threats of burning our home, and the list goes on. But would you believe, the local sheriff's department refuses to do anything about it. We've been told by one officer that it is not the LCSD job to protect people, or gather evidence, or get warrants.
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