Thursday, August 08, 2013
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Why would someone do this??

Earlier today, my family & I watched our neighbor across the street attempting to kill one of his dogs. He actually chased the animal around his yard, carrying a large stick with him, biut 3" in diameter and maybe 3 ft long. After he finally caught the dog, he proceeded to beat it with the pole & his fists, while pinning the animal on the ground. The nhe picked the dog up by the throat, strangling it& choking it. After that, he carried the dog by the throat over to where he had a partial truck bed for hauling & grabbed a rope (looked like a orange outdoor extension cord. He threw one of the rope over a tree brach & tied it around the dog's throat, then proceeded to hang the dog. Whe nthe dog would start screaming & gasping for air, he'd release it and then do it again. After doing this 3-4 times, he then dragged the dog to the backyard & tied it to another tree, but only giving very mittle give on te rope, cause it was again tied to a branch, thereby giving the animal very little freedom of movement. If the dog would try to pull, it would hang itself again.
I called the police several times, telling them to get out here & stop it, cause if they didn't, I would. I was not going to just stand there & watch that man torture that animal. How in the hell could people do this to an animal? It's now several hours later & I'm still fuming over this.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
terrorism in own backyard....
Date: 2006-09-02 03:28
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....
Security: Private
Friday, July 14, 2006
Ever seen a walking blanket?
Current mood: amused
Category: Life
Ever seen a walking blanket?
I did today, across the street. The peeps across the street took someone into their house wrapped up in a red blanket. Then the person was walking around, still wrapped up in the thing. Now who in the world would do that?? Give ya a good guess.....The young man who has been harrassing and terrorizing my family, Mr James Akers. The thing I can't figure out is, why would he go to such extremes to hide from us to get across the street? Or has he finally realized that we won't take any more shit from him & his friends. Enough is enough.....Funny thing was though, he changed the red blanket for a pink one....But, a PINK blanket? For crying out loud, I didn't know that was his favorite color......
Saturday, July 01, 2006
is terrorism something to ignore?
Current mood: sick
Category: Life
Am so tired.
If when i'm not sick
my heart hurts
why can't my family be left alone?
why has the justice system failed us so?
is terrorism in your backyard
something to ignore?
when will someone listen?
after i'm dead?
or before.....
Monday, June 19, 2006
More serious updates....
Current mood: mellow
Category: Life
Surgery has been postponed for the found a moderate leak in the aortic valve of the heart. They say surgery is too risky right now, cause i could either have a major heart attack during it, or God forbid...die. So will be going to a doc in Johnson City who is both a gyn & cardio....he says he'll do it. Surgery is inevitable, cause if don't have it soon, if its not cancer now, will soon be. Funny though....all of this would have been avoided if mr. akers would have left us alone and the law enforcement in this area wouldn't have ignored us so much through out all of this. Too bad though, if they think i or my family give up or run, they are sadly mistaken. My family has been through enough, period.
Friday, June 16, 2006
More bad news
Current mood: stressed
Category: Life
Got another call from doc today. The test results from the echocardiogram and the heart monitor came in....Now i have to see a cardiologist on monday before surgery on tuesday. They found a leak in my heart....which is being aggravated a lot by the stress going on of Mr. Akers & his bunch harrassing and terrorizing my family, and of lack of cooperation and being ignored by the county sheriff. Its been causing angina, dizziness, and blacking out. The doc won't say if i've had a minor heart attack or not...So what do i do? I'm not giving up on trying to get peace for my family...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Been ill from stress
Current mood: melancholy
Category: Life
Sorry haven't been on much, but haven't been feeling well. Got surgery on the 20th to remove some tumors (female stuff), don't know if its cancer or not yet, but as doc said is highly probable. Am stuck wear ing a heart monitor today....heart's been messing up, so have to wear it to see what is wrong. None of this would be happening tho if the people who are terrorizing my family would leave us alone, and the local police would do thier job. Why is it some peeps get a kick out of destroying others? Why can't they just live thier own life & leave others alone? What is it going to take for my family to have some peace?
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Bad enws....
Current mood: numb
Category: Life
Today hs not been a good day either. Went tothe doc today. He said I had to have surgery, to remove fibroids AND tumors.I guess that answers the question of whether it is cancer or not....Thanks to the neighbors across the srteet, Mr Akers, my mother-in-law, and the local law life has been majorly fucking interrupted by these people
Thursday, May 25, 2006
If you live in Lee County, don't expect justice....
Current mood: enraged
Category: Life
Today was like the kind of nightmare you wake up from and hope to God it doesn't happen. Getting to court went fine, but after I was there, anything & everything you wouldn't expect to happen did...
The judge insulted me in front of James,who acted like a choir boy. Judge decided to "continue" the charges til Dec. 28 when the protective order runs out. He didn't even try the case, instead he told James, "Just ignore them, maybe they are high-strung people, and the way to punish them is to ignore them." Quote, unquote, ... Verbatim....
When in the world did i become the criminal, and James, mr. innocent? Can't say how much that hurt....When did it become a crime to protect one's family? When did it become okay to threaten rape or bodily harm, or arson. Or to take a child's home from them? When did the judge decide he was God in the first place, to determine such things to the contrary? Or, when did it become the right thing to do in terrorizing a family?....
The judge would not look at any of the evidence or listen to anything i had to say. Today, seems so much like a nightmare, that it shouldn't have existed in the first place. The judge wouldn't even hear about the ID theft. Ron & I made a CD especially for him with all the evidence we had on it...would you believe he refused to even look at it? Plus he blew it off as to how this shit has affected us. I couldn't believe how this day has gone. Talk about justice being raped....He didn't even take offense to James living with Susie(my mother-in-law), nor did he find it unusual. I don't know what went wrong today, but i will find out. And when I do, God help 'em.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ultimate betrayal
Current mood: infuriated
Category: Life
Funny, my mother-in-law and mr. james might have thought they had won, by her letting james live at my step-daughter's other property, just because the angry woman has a life estate there. But what she doesn't realize, that in doing so is the ultimate betrayal she can do to my husband and his daughter. Mother or grandmother, whichever, do not do things like this. You don't open up your home to the very person who has threatened to rape your granddaughter. What in the hell does she think she is? Even my own mother wouldn't do this. She might have said the wrong thing to me when I was raped at 17, telling me it was my fault. But she would not have invited the rapist into the house to live. Then again, she's not much if any of a mother or grandmother in the first place because of stuff like this. Lawyers say ther are no laws to prevent this from happening. Well, we'll see about that. Laws were meant to be changed....and they will be....
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
In court again for umpteenth time......
Current mood: exhausted
Category: Life
Today, went to court again over the people harrassing us. This time got a second protective order against Sonia, because she endangered our daughter and violated the first order by going over to mr. akers. Also got stuff started to get my step-daughter's things back before her grandma destroys or gives away anymore of her stuff to the Hicks. Also, am worknig on a restraining order against them for harassment.
Funny thing was seeing the Sheriff disappear so fast when he saw me in the court room. That didn't look too good for him in front of a court room of people.
The Hicks, Mr Akers, Sonia and my mother-in-law won't like what was accomplished today. Pretty much expect them to retaliate, like they always do whem I go to court against any of them.
Was adviced to always carry my baby plus, until this shit is over. Even with police protection, its going to be a deadly encounter when I go to get my daughter's stuff. Mr Akers now lives with my mother-in-law. And possibly Sonia too. Pretty much confronting them on thier own turf, to call their bluff to see that my daughter gets her prized possessions back. Been told if step foot on that property, will be killed though ( my mother-in-law's exact words).
Guess it would be too intelligent for them to just leave us the hell alone.Had to post-pone my dr appt to go to court today. So, that'll be wary of itself. But my family's safety and peace is of the most importance. Everything else comes later....
One way or another, this county will learn to do its job. That they can't just pick chose their favorites. Their dilly dallying is putting my family in serious harm's way. I'm not going to wait for one of us to be seriously hurt or killed before county does something......
Friday, May 05, 2006
Utmost Betrayal...Update on trouble
Current mood: betrayed
Category: betrayed Life
I thought things were bad enough. Til my family & I looked out the window, to see the people across the street carrying in more of my step-daughter's things that my mother-in-law has no right to give away. The man I got the protective order against is her nephew. She is more supportive of him, than she is of her own family. She denies that any of us are her family. Say it this way, she's made it very clear that she wants to kill all of us. So to retaliate against us, cause I took more warrants out on this man for violating the protective order and for brandishing a gun at us, she is giving away my step-daughter's, or I will say, my daughter's things, stuff that was very dear to her. She is givng the stuff to the very people who have harrassed us, threatened to kill us and burn our home, and stalked us; the very people we've been having trouble with. Now if this isn't betrayal, I don't know what is. How can a mother, let alone a grandmother, do this to her own child and grandchild.
My daughter is so angry and hurt, infuriates me. Obviously, my mother-in-law doesn't know what family is, let alone what love is. All she wants is money and revenge to anyone who stands up to her. The more trouble she causes, will only make me dig my heels in further, cause I won't give up. My husband and daughter have been through enough because of her. It is time that stops, and it will.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Will the harrassment ever stop?
Current mood: pissed off
Category: Life
When will we ever be left alone? There are two people who seem to not have the intelligence to leave well enough alone. They are constantly harrassing and aggravating my family. And, what for? Because we would not let them ruin our lives. We tried to help them, only to be betrayed. One word of caution...NEVER let anyone to stay in your home to try to help them. It seems they will always take advantage of you either through ID theft or by trying to come between your marriage and break up your family.
I'm fed up with having guns aimed at my family, of being shot at or followed when I'm walking to the store, of having the safety of my family threatened, of having to fight against ID theft and of keeping my step-daughter's home from being taken from her.
Tonite, the man we have a protective order against was once again aiming a gun at my husband and shining lights through our windows. When in the world is he ever going to learn to leave us alone? Why is he so hell-bent on harming us in the first place? We've done nothing to him to warrant being treated like this. Then again, we didn't do anything to the woman we tried to help out either.
I don't appreciate a woman trying to force herself on my husband or think she can make me leave so she can have her way with my family. What the fuck does she think she is? She might think I'm some passive thing that can be walked over. But obviously she doesn't know me too well. They always say its the quiet ones you gotta be wary of.
No One interferes with or ruins my family like these two people are trying to do and gets away with it. No one.
My family deserves peace and quiet, and they will have it.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Self Defense
Current mood: irritated
Category: Life
Use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that it is necessary for the defense of oneself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force. However, a person must use no more force than appears reasonably necessary in the circumstances.
Force likely to cause death or great bodily harm is justified in self-defense only if a person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm.
The Right To Protect One's Person And Property From Injury.
It will be proper to consider: 1. The extent of the right of self-defence. 2. By whom it may be exercised. 3. Against whom. 4. For what causes.
As to the extent of the right: First, when threatened violence exists, it is the duty of the person threatened to use all prudent and precautionary measures to prevent the attack; for example, if by closing a door which was usually left open, one could prevent an attack, it would be prudent, and perhaps the law might require, that it should be closed in order to preserve the peace, and the aggressor might in such case be held to bail for his good behaviour. Secondly, if after having taken such proper precautions, a party should be assailed, he may undoubtedly repel force by force, but in most instances cannot, under the pretext that he has been attacked, use force enough to kill the assailant or hurt him after he has secured himself from danger; such as if a person unarmed enters a house to commit a larceny, while there he does not threaten any one, nor does any act which manifests an intention to hurt any one, and there are a number of persons present who may easily secure him, no one will be justifiable to do him any injury, much less to kill him; he ought to be secured and delivered to the public authorities. But when an attack is made by a thief under such circumstances, and it is impossible to ascertain to what extent he may push it, the law does not requite the party assailed to weigh with great nicety the probable extent of the attack, and he may use the most violent means against his assailant, even to the taking of his life. For homicide may be excused where a man has no other probable means of preserving his life from one who attacks him while in the commission of a felony, or even on a sudden quarrel he beats him, so that he is reduced to this inevitable necessity. And the reason is that when so reduced, he cannot call to his aid the power of society or of the commonwealth, and being unprotected by law, he reassumes his natural rights which the law sanctions, of killing his adversary to protect himself.
The party attacked may undoubtedly defend himself, and the law further sanctions the mutual and reciprocal defence of such as stand in the near relations of hushand and wife, patent and child, and master and servant. In these cases, if the party himself or any of these his relations, be forcibly attacked in their person or property, it is lawful for him to repel force by force, for the law in these cases respects the passions of the human mind, and makes it lawful in him, when external violence is offered to himself, or to those to whom he bears so near a connexion, to do that immediate justice to which he is prompted by nature, and which no prudential motives are strong enough to restrain.
The party making the attack may be resisted, and if several persons join in such attack they may all be resisted, and one may be killed although he may not himself have given the immediate cause for such killing, if by his presence and his acts he has aided the assailant.
The cases for which a man may defend himself are of two kinds; first, when a felony is attempted, and secondly, when no felony is attempted or apprehended.
1st. A man may defend himself and even commit a homicide for the prevention of any forcible and atrocious crime, which if completed would amount to a felony; and of course under the like circumstances, mayhem, wounding and battery would be excusable at common law. A man may repel force by force in defence of his person, property or habitation, against any one who manifests, intends, attempts, or endeavors, by violence or surprise, to commit a forcible felony, such as murder, rape, robbery, arson, burglary and the like. In these cases he is not required to retreat, but he may resist and even pursue his adversary, until he has secured himself from all danger.
2d. A man may defend himself when no felony has been threatened or attempted: 1. When the assailant attempts to beat another and there is no mutual combat, such as where one meets another and attempts to commit or does commit an assault and battery on him, the person attacked may defend himself, and; 2. An attempt to strike another, when sufficiently near so that that there is danger, the person assailed may strike first, and is not required to wait until he has been struck.
When there is a mutual combat upon a sudden quarrel both parties are the aggressors, and if in the fight one is killed it will be manslaughter at least, unless the survivor can prove two things: 1st. That before the mortal stroke was given be had refused any further combat, and had retreated as far as he could with safety; and 2d. That he killed his adversary from necessity, to avoid his own destruction.
A man may defend himself against animals, and he may during the attack kill them, but not afterwards.
As a general rule no man is allowed to defend himself with force if he can apply to the law for redress, and the law gives him a complete remedy.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Why are innocent people treated like this???
Current mood: cold
Category: Life
Rules for living here:
1. Learn the law.
2. Know your rights and stand by them.
3. Be ready for a long battle. They don't give up easily.
4. Grow eyes on the back of your head. They prefer to get you from behind and stab you in the back.
5. Learn self-defense. It is an inalienable human right to be able to keep your own dignity and self-respect.
6. Don't run or show fear. If you do, they win and nothing changes. It only gets worse.
7. If you complain about something, be ready to defend yourself and watch your back. They don't like being shown where they are wrong.
8. Love your family and be ready for anything. They are the only ones wh omatter in the long run.
Oh and one more thing, The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, even places like this have to answer to it.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Current mood: pissed off
Category: Life
What is the point of helping friends out if all they do is come into your life and destroy everything you hold dear? Recently, we let a friend stay with us. She wanted to get close to her kids, to get them back. So we thot we'd help her out. Its important for kids to be with their folks. BUT, Not if their folks do what this woman proceeded to do.
I always help a friend in need. But that doesn't mean she an come into our lives and try to rape my husband and make my family go hungry so she can pig out on junk food. That also means she won't be allowed to threaten my family with fake warrants because my husband won't sleep with her or me throwing her out.And ULTMATELY she won't be allowed to get away with endangering my family by violating a protective order against another person who lives across the street and has threatened to hurt my family and rape my step-daughter. I''ll be DAMNED is she gets away with that. Who does she think she is to endanger my family by going across the street to live just to "get even". What human being would be so low as to put a child's safety in danger like that? Answer....don't think i could describe the answer to that one here.
Needless to say...I don't make threats, but i do make promises. it might take me a while to see them through. but i do. my family will not be harmed by this person, no matter what it takes.
Freinds are suppose to help each other, not destroy others just to use them like a leech.
Date: 2006-09-02 03:28
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....
Security: Private
Friday, July 14, 2006
Ever seen a walking blanket?
Current mood: amused
Category: Life
Ever seen a walking blanket?
I did today, across the street. The peeps across the street took someone into their house wrapped up in a red blanket. Then the person was walking around, still wrapped up in the thing. Now who in the world would do that?? Give ya a good guess.....The young man who has been harrassing and terrorizing my family, Mr James Akers. The thing I can't figure out is, why would he go to such extremes to hide from us to get across the street? Or has he finally realized that we won't take any more shit from him & his friends. Enough is enough.....Funny thing was though, he changed the red blanket for a pink one....But, a PINK blanket? For crying out loud, I didn't know that was his favorite color......
Saturday, July 01, 2006
is terrorism something to ignore?
Current mood: sick
Category: Life
Am so tired.
If when i'm not sick
my heart hurts
why can't my family be left alone?
why has the justice system failed us so?
is terrorism in your backyard
something to ignore?
when will someone listen?
after i'm dead?
or before.....
Monday, June 19, 2006
More serious updates....
Current mood: mellow
Category: Life
Surgery has been postponed for the found a moderate leak in the aortic valve of the heart. They say surgery is too risky right now, cause i could either have a major heart attack during it, or God forbid...die. So will be going to a doc in Johnson City who is both a gyn & cardio....he says he'll do it. Surgery is inevitable, cause if don't have it soon, if its not cancer now, will soon be. Funny though....all of this would have been avoided if mr. akers would have left us alone and the law enforcement in this area wouldn't have ignored us so much through out all of this. Too bad though, if they think i or my family give up or run, they are sadly mistaken. My family has been through enough, period.
Friday, June 16, 2006
More bad news
Current mood: stressed
Category: Life
Got another call from doc today. The test results from the echocardiogram and the heart monitor came in....Now i have to see a cardiologist on monday before surgery on tuesday. They found a leak in my heart....which is being aggravated a lot by the stress going on of Mr. Akers & his bunch harrassing and terrorizing my family, and of lack of cooperation and being ignored by the county sheriff. Its been causing angina, dizziness, and blacking out. The doc won't say if i've had a minor heart attack or not...So what do i do? I'm not giving up on trying to get peace for my family...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Been ill from stress
Current mood: melancholy
Category: Life
Sorry haven't been on much, but haven't been feeling well. Got surgery on the 20th to remove some tumors (female stuff), don't know if its cancer or not yet, but as doc said is highly probable. Am stuck wear ing a heart monitor today....heart's been messing up, so have to wear it to see what is wrong. None of this would be happening tho if the people who are terrorizing my family would leave us alone, and the local police would do thier job. Why is it some peeps get a kick out of destroying others? Why can't they just live thier own life & leave others alone? What is it going to take for my family to have some peace?
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Bad enws....
Current mood: numb
Category: Life
Today hs not been a good day either. Went tothe doc today. He said I had to have surgery, to remove fibroids AND tumors.I guess that answers the question of whether it is cancer or not....Thanks to the neighbors across the srteet, Mr Akers, my mother-in-law, and the local law life has been majorly fucking interrupted by these people
Thursday, May 25, 2006
If you live in Lee County, don't expect justice....
Current mood: enraged
Category: Life
Today was like the kind of nightmare you wake up from and hope to God it doesn't happen. Getting to court went fine, but after I was there, anything & everything you wouldn't expect to happen did...
The judge insulted me in front of James,who acted like a choir boy. Judge decided to "continue" the charges til Dec. 28 when the protective order runs out. He didn't even try the case, instead he told James, "Just ignore them, maybe they are high-strung people, and the way to punish them is to ignore them." Quote, unquote, ... Verbatim....
When in the world did i become the criminal, and James, mr. innocent? Can't say how much that hurt....When did it become a crime to protect one's family? When did it become okay to threaten rape or bodily harm, or arson. Or to take a child's home from them? When did the judge decide he was God in the first place, to determine such things to the contrary? Or, when did it become the right thing to do in terrorizing a family?....
The judge would not look at any of the evidence or listen to anything i had to say. Today, seems so much like a nightmare, that it shouldn't have existed in the first place. The judge wouldn't even hear about the ID theft. Ron & I made a CD especially for him with all the evidence we had on it...would you believe he refused to even look at it? Plus he blew it off as to how this shit has affected us. I couldn't believe how this day has gone. Talk about justice being raped....He didn't even take offense to James living with Susie(my mother-in-law), nor did he find it unusual. I don't know what went wrong today, but i will find out. And when I do, God help 'em.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ultimate betrayal
Current mood: infuriated
Category: Life
Funny, my mother-in-law and mr. james might have thought they had won, by her letting james live at my step-daughter's other property, just because the angry woman has a life estate there. But what she doesn't realize, that in doing so is the ultimate betrayal she can do to my husband and his daughter. Mother or grandmother, whichever, do not do things like this. You don't open up your home to the very person who has threatened to rape your granddaughter. What in the hell does she think she is? Even my own mother wouldn't do this. She might have said the wrong thing to me when I was raped at 17, telling me it was my fault. But she would not have invited the rapist into the house to live. Then again, she's not much if any of a mother or grandmother in the first place because of stuff like this. Lawyers say ther are no laws to prevent this from happening. Well, we'll see about that. Laws were meant to be changed....and they will be....
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
In court again for umpteenth time......
Current mood: exhausted
Category: Life
Today, went to court again over the people harrassing us. This time got a second protective order against Sonia, because she endangered our daughter and violated the first order by going over to mr. akers. Also got stuff started to get my step-daughter's things back before her grandma destroys or gives away anymore of her stuff to the Hicks. Also, am worknig on a restraining order against them for harassment.
Funny thing was seeing the Sheriff disappear so fast when he saw me in the court room. That didn't look too good for him in front of a court room of people.
The Hicks, Mr Akers, Sonia and my mother-in-law won't like what was accomplished today. Pretty much expect them to retaliate, like they always do whem I go to court against any of them.
Was adviced to always carry my baby plus, until this shit is over. Even with police protection, its going to be a deadly encounter when I go to get my daughter's stuff. Mr Akers now lives with my mother-in-law. And possibly Sonia too. Pretty much confronting them on thier own turf, to call their bluff to see that my daughter gets her prized possessions back. Been told if step foot on that property, will be killed though ( my mother-in-law's exact words).
Guess it would be too intelligent for them to just leave us the hell alone.Had to post-pone my dr appt to go to court today. So, that'll be wary of itself. But my family's safety and peace is of the most importance. Everything else comes later....
One way or another, this county will learn to do its job. That they can't just pick chose their favorites. Their dilly dallying is putting my family in serious harm's way. I'm not going to wait for one of us to be seriously hurt or killed before county does something......
Friday, May 05, 2006
Utmost Betrayal...Update on trouble
Current mood: betrayed
Category: betrayed Life
I thought things were bad enough. Til my family & I looked out the window, to see the people across the street carrying in more of my step-daughter's things that my mother-in-law has no right to give away. The man I got the protective order against is her nephew. She is more supportive of him, than she is of her own family. She denies that any of us are her family. Say it this way, she's made it very clear that she wants to kill all of us. So to retaliate against us, cause I took more warrants out on this man for violating the protective order and for brandishing a gun at us, she is giving away my step-daughter's, or I will say, my daughter's things, stuff that was very dear to her. She is givng the stuff to the very people who have harrassed us, threatened to kill us and burn our home, and stalked us; the very people we've been having trouble with. Now if this isn't betrayal, I don't know what is. How can a mother, let alone a grandmother, do this to her own child and grandchild.
My daughter is so angry and hurt, infuriates me. Obviously, my mother-in-law doesn't know what family is, let alone what love is. All she wants is money and revenge to anyone who stands up to her. The more trouble she causes, will only make me dig my heels in further, cause I won't give up. My husband and daughter have been through enough because of her. It is time that stops, and it will.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Will the harrassment ever stop?
Current mood: pissed off
Category: Life
When will we ever be left alone? There are two people who seem to not have the intelligence to leave well enough alone. They are constantly harrassing and aggravating my family. And, what for? Because we would not let them ruin our lives. We tried to help them, only to be betrayed. One word of caution...NEVER let anyone to stay in your home to try to help them. It seems they will always take advantage of you either through ID theft or by trying to come between your marriage and break up your family.
I'm fed up with having guns aimed at my family, of being shot at or followed when I'm walking to the store, of having the safety of my family threatened, of having to fight against ID theft and of keeping my step-daughter's home from being taken from her.
Tonite, the man we have a protective order against was once again aiming a gun at my husband and shining lights through our windows. When in the world is he ever going to learn to leave us alone? Why is he so hell-bent on harming us in the first place? We've done nothing to him to warrant being treated like this. Then again, we didn't do anything to the woman we tried to help out either.
I don't appreciate a woman trying to force herself on my husband or think she can make me leave so she can have her way with my family. What the fuck does she think she is? She might think I'm some passive thing that can be walked over. But obviously she doesn't know me too well. They always say its the quiet ones you gotta be wary of.
No One interferes with or ruins my family like these two people are trying to do and gets away with it. No one.
My family deserves peace and quiet, and they will have it.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Self Defense
Current mood: irritated
Category: Life
Use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that it is necessary for the defense of oneself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force. However, a person must use no more force than appears reasonably necessary in the circumstances.
Force likely to cause death or great bodily harm is justified in self-defense only if a person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm.
The Right To Protect One's Person And Property From Injury.
It will be proper to consider: 1. The extent of the right of self-defence. 2. By whom it may be exercised. 3. Against whom. 4. For what causes.
As to the extent of the right: First, when threatened violence exists, it is the duty of the person threatened to use all prudent and precautionary measures to prevent the attack; for example, if by closing a door which was usually left open, one could prevent an attack, it would be prudent, and perhaps the law might require, that it should be closed in order to preserve the peace, and the aggressor might in such case be held to bail for his good behaviour. Secondly, if after having taken such proper precautions, a party should be assailed, he may undoubtedly repel force by force, but in most instances cannot, under the pretext that he has been attacked, use force enough to kill the assailant or hurt him after he has secured himself from danger; such as if a person unarmed enters a house to commit a larceny, while there he does not threaten any one, nor does any act which manifests an intention to hurt any one, and there are a number of persons present who may easily secure him, no one will be justifiable to do him any injury, much less to kill him; he ought to be secured and delivered to the public authorities. But when an attack is made by a thief under such circumstances, and it is impossible to ascertain to what extent he may push it, the law does not requite the party assailed to weigh with great nicety the probable extent of the attack, and he may use the most violent means against his assailant, even to the taking of his life. For homicide may be excused where a man has no other probable means of preserving his life from one who attacks him while in the commission of a felony, or even on a sudden quarrel he beats him, so that he is reduced to this inevitable necessity. And the reason is that when so reduced, he cannot call to his aid the power of society or of the commonwealth, and being unprotected by law, he reassumes his natural rights which the law sanctions, of killing his adversary to protect himself.
The party attacked may undoubtedly defend himself, and the law further sanctions the mutual and reciprocal defence of such as stand in the near relations of hushand and wife, patent and child, and master and servant. In these cases, if the party himself or any of these his relations, be forcibly attacked in their person or property, it is lawful for him to repel force by force, for the law in these cases respects the passions of the human mind, and makes it lawful in him, when external violence is offered to himself, or to those to whom he bears so near a connexion, to do that immediate justice to which he is prompted by nature, and which no prudential motives are strong enough to restrain.
The party making the attack may be resisted, and if several persons join in such attack they may all be resisted, and one may be killed although he may not himself have given the immediate cause for such killing, if by his presence and his acts he has aided the assailant.
The cases for which a man may defend himself are of two kinds; first, when a felony is attempted, and secondly, when no felony is attempted or apprehended.
1st. A man may defend himself and even commit a homicide for the prevention of any forcible and atrocious crime, which if completed would amount to a felony; and of course under the like circumstances, mayhem, wounding and battery would be excusable at common law. A man may repel force by force in defence of his person, property or habitation, against any one who manifests, intends, attempts, or endeavors, by violence or surprise, to commit a forcible felony, such as murder, rape, robbery, arson, burglary and the like. In these cases he is not required to retreat, but he may resist and even pursue his adversary, until he has secured himself from all danger.
2d. A man may defend himself when no felony has been threatened or attempted: 1. When the assailant attempts to beat another and there is no mutual combat, such as where one meets another and attempts to commit or does commit an assault and battery on him, the person attacked may defend himself, and; 2. An attempt to strike another, when sufficiently near so that that there is danger, the person assailed may strike first, and is not required to wait until he has been struck.
When there is a mutual combat upon a sudden quarrel both parties are the aggressors, and if in the fight one is killed it will be manslaughter at least, unless the survivor can prove two things: 1st. That before the mortal stroke was given be had refused any further combat, and had retreated as far as he could with safety; and 2d. That he killed his adversary from necessity, to avoid his own destruction.
A man may defend himself against animals, and he may during the attack kill them, but not afterwards.
As a general rule no man is allowed to defend himself with force if he can apply to the law for redress, and the law gives him a complete remedy.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Why are innocent people treated like this???
Current mood: cold
Category: Life
Rules for living here:
1. Learn the law.
2. Know your rights and stand by them.
3. Be ready for a long battle. They don't give up easily.
4. Grow eyes on the back of your head. They prefer to get you from behind and stab you in the back.
5. Learn self-defense. It is an inalienable human right to be able to keep your own dignity and self-respect.
6. Don't run or show fear. If you do, they win and nothing changes. It only gets worse.
7. If you complain about something, be ready to defend yourself and watch your back. They don't like being shown where they are wrong.
8. Love your family and be ready for anything. They are the only ones wh omatter in the long run.
Oh and one more thing, The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, even places like this have to answer to it.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Current mood: pissed off
Category: Life
What is the point of helping friends out if all they do is come into your life and destroy everything you hold dear? Recently, we let a friend stay with us. She wanted to get close to her kids, to get them back. So we thot we'd help her out. Its important for kids to be with their folks. BUT, Not if their folks do what this woman proceeded to do.
I always help a friend in need. But that doesn't mean she an come into our lives and try to rape my husband and make my family go hungry so she can pig out on junk food. That also means she won't be allowed to threaten my family with fake warrants because my husband won't sleep with her or me throwing her out.And ULTMATELY she won't be allowed to get away with endangering my family by violating a protective order against another person who lives across the street and has threatened to hurt my family and rape my step-daughter. I''ll be DAMNED is she gets away with that. Who does she think she is to endanger my family by going across the street to live just to "get even". What human being would be so low as to put a child's safety in danger like that? Answer....don't think i could describe the answer to that one here.
Needless to say...I don't make threats, but i do make promises. it might take me a while to see them through. but i do. my family will not be harmed by this person, no matter what it takes.
Freinds are suppose to help each other, not destroy others just to use them like a leech.
terrorism in own backyard....part 2
Date: 2006-09-02 04:00
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....part 2
Security: Private
Chronology of Akers Problem....
It all started when I told James to leave at end of July, cause of ID theft. James staed w/ us from July 5th to the 28th. He started calling & threatening us cause we went to police about it. Judge conviceted him on 2 counts of threatening & harrassing phone calls. He told James to leave us alone. Rasnic appealed it. In middle of Dec, James moved in with the Hicks across street. Heather Jones heard from Megan Goodman bragging at school, that the only reason he moved there was to harrass us.
Dec. 15, 2005
12:30 - 12:45 pm
Ron went to get Ronnie off bus. He got jumped by 5 people, 3 with guns. One hit him in the mouth, cutting inside of his mouth, They threatened to burn our house down tonite.
Dec 16, 2005
James living with Hick across street.
Dec. 21, 2005
Ronnie & I were outside making x-mas wreaths. James came out, talking on cordless phone. In between his phone calls, Ronnie heard & I saw him say he was going to rape her & myself. Called the police, but dispatch refused to send an officer out even to just look into the matter because, she said, my lip reading and hearing loss weren't good enough to warrant an officer coming out.
Jan 30, 2006
Megan Goodman came up to Ronnie & told her to lay off of James, or she'd kick Ronnie's ass. Megan was with Jelisa Coomer & 2 teen boys. Heather Jones witnessed it also. Ronnie spoke to Casey & Officer Crabtree abou tit the next day. Megan lives next to Lee Bank - yellow ranch-style house #518.
Feb 10, 2006
7:10 pm
Someone shooting at me from direction of Hicks, on rt 642 on my way back from BP.
Feb 12, 2006
Sonia moved in w/ us.
evening hours
Feb 15, 2006
3:40 - 3:45pm
While Ron waited for Ronnie after school at bus stop, Blue Durango pulled up, James rolled window down cussing Ron & threatening to kill him. Durango took off & came back w/ no James. Tag # Durango JRJ 1201.
James walking up road on RT. 642.
Feb 21, 2006
James getting into vehicle & making threatening gestures at Ron.
Feb 23, 2006
Court - protective order, permanent until Dec. 2006. Against james.
Feb. 24, 2006
Durango came to pick up Brenda Hicks, who while waiting was constantly staring over here.
March 7, 2006
James no-show at court (appeal).
Bill Hicks and James pointing shotgun through window @ our dining room windows.
March 8, 2006
3:45 pm
Bill Hicks, by black truck, pointing something @ Ron as Ron was getting Ronnie off school bus.
7:15 pm
Someone (male) called from prepaid cell phone, heavy breathing, sounding like he was "getting off."
March 10, 2006
Court. Sonia almost f'ed up court, by wanted t oget in James' face while waiting for court io begin in afternoon. Jamesadmitted to threats and pled guilty to phone charges. Was sentenced to 2 yrs probation, $500 fine and 90 days in jail, suspended. Judge told him not to speak, email, or bother us in any way shape or form. Told him it would be a good idea to move.
March 11, 2006
Made Sonia leave, cause she tried to force herself on Ron, & was refusing to help me get food in th ehouse. She made it very clear that if they didn't like it, they could go witrhout....Told her to not come back on property or speak to us again.
March 12,2006
7:45 pm
Went to B/P, Sonia there, tried to follow me home, yelling and wanting to start a fight.
Sonia went with James next door.
March 13, 2006
12:36 pm(after midnight)
Brenda flipping us off, and waving arms in windows.
early morning hours 1 am - 5:30 am
Brenda, Sonia, and James spent the night shining blue lights & making threatening gestures at us. Brenda also playing with blue/green light sticks while James in full view of window flipping us off & making gun gestures at us.
3:45 pm
Set Sonia's luggage outside on property line of drive way. Wind was blowing strong, so luggage fell over. When I went outside to set it back up, Sonia, Brenda, and James came out straight at me, so I went back in house through back door. James came within 20 feet of me with something in his hand. Sonia started yelling something.
After I was back in house, Sonia came into yard, pacing back & forth still yelling, wanting me ot come outside to fight.
4:08 pm
James outside flipping us off, making threatening gestures, climbing tree and acting like a total jerk.
March 14, 2006
7:45 am
Sonia on back porch, staring at me.
noon hours
Every time Ron or I went outside, a few moments later Bill, Sonia, or Brenda would be out on thier back porch watching us.
At school
Megan throwing stuff at Ronnie during lunch ~ 5th period. Ronie told Miss Brewer about it.
Bill outside revving motor of black Ford. But, hasn't been working on it today.
Bill & Mr. Beard revving motor of black Ford again.
March 15, 2006
Bill revving motor of black Ford again, but as usual not appearing to be working on it.
7:15 pm
Red Dodge truck came back; while Brenda, her daughter & Sonia got out, driver of truck shaking a blue light towards our house. When in house, Sonia came to window making gun gestures.
Brenda's daughter playing with blue light around black truck 3x's.
Brenda flashing blue lights on back porch, making dogs bark everywhere.
March 20, 2006
Someone waving arms in air in Hick's yard.
Just before midnight
Someone shining lights through kitchen windows, jsut before that 3 pings off propane tanks and Sonia staring over here through windows.
March 21, 2006
Bill followed me to BP And back home. He didn't have any bags or such from store, so why did he go to store behind me?
March 23, 2006
I went to BP to get some dinner, meanwhile people next door watching my leaving & for my return.
Ron went to BP. As always, someone outside watching him, but too dark to say who it was exactly. Happens all the time.
10:20 pm
Sound of glass hitting glass, 3rd time.
March 24, 2006
Jeff @ Septic Remedy called wanting to speak to James about "his septic system". 1-800-834-3405 phone number. It was done online day before yesterday, most prob within last month. Called police about it. Major Woodard called back bitching me out for speaking to Carla At DOJ. He refused to send an officer out.
March 26, 2006
7 emails for James at Ron's hotmail account ( for loans, credit cards and mortgages.
1st of emails: Ronnie Doss (branch manager) @ Beneficial. 276-669-6181. I spoke to Mr. Doss, told him what was going on, he said he'd make sure it didn't happen again.
March 27, 2006
Kelly from Champion Mortgage called asking for James.This one was done on 3/26/06. He was trying to get a mortgage on this house using our phone number & Ron's email addy. phone #: 1-866-151-2274.
Also Oak Street Mortgage called, for same thing for James. PH#: 1-813-342-4021.
March 28, 2006
Sonia still across street, been hiding out of sight.
12:30pm (afternoon)
When I went to BP, as I came out, saw Bill standing behind store watching me.
Ames Home Loans, Kenita called asking for James again. 1-866-891-0010. James trying to refinancea nonexisting mortgage on this house. Customer Service 1-800-737-1192. They had just got it in from the internet today.
9:45 pm
James waving something that looked like a rifle in wondow towards here & shining lights through windows again.
March 29, 2006
Bobby Ellis came by & picked up cd's w/ pics & emails. Said they'd talk to Shawn to see what is going on.
March 30, 2006
1:15 am
Someone flashing lights from Hicks again.
March 31, 2006
1:45 pm
Mr. Parsons came over to look at septic tank. While here, the old guy @ Hick's standing by fence staring unnervingly at Mr. Parsons. Mr. Parsons wasn't to liking to that.
April 1, 2006
11:01 pm
Someone flashing blue light again.
April 3, 2006
11:25 am
H&R Block Mortgage called asking for Ron. They swore up & down that it was to discuss a refinance on the house. Thing is thogh, Ron has never done anything with H&R Block Mortgage. Melanie (supervisor) 1-877-HR BLOCK.
9:10pm - 9:35pm
Bill, Brenda, Gary, and couple others got out of Chevy Astro Van waving blu & green lights while Bill waved what looked like a revolver around.
April 6, 2006
James back across street again, driving silver car. Bill keeps switching plates between Black truck & black Chevy Astro.
April 7, 2006
8:45 am
James and everyone outside, when James got into silver car, pointing what looked like a little snub-nose pistol over here.
April 10, 2006
3:45 - 4pm
Hicks' pups going after Ron & Ronnie. Bill egging them on to attack.
April 11, 2006
Got medicine to help control bleeding. Am seeing Dr. Libdeh bout female probs, bleeding to point of hemmohraging. Cause by stress across street.
April 11 to April 12, 2006
midnight to 5am
Brenda & couple others kept staring over here, shining lights through front windows all nigt long.
April 15, 2006
They are shining lights again and staring over here. James over there whole weekend.
April 16, 2006
Same as night before, but mainly Sonia, Brenda, and Bill.
April 17, 2006
7-8 pm
Sonia & Brenda up & down street, angrily, & heading towards BP, while I was going to store. Brenda had what seemed like a gun in her waistband of pants. James over @ Hicks too. He showed up @ Hicks after I got back from BP.
April 18, 2006
~9:50 - 10:15 pm
Two shots rang out from a pellet gun. One hit my right ankle as I walked to BP. Shots came from direction of Hicks. Chris Oakley took report.
April 19, 2006
Ron got email at Myspace, seemed to be from James, but no return email addy, threatening all of us again.
When I went to BP, guy w/ curly hair on Hicks' back porch with what looked like a rifle of some sorts watching & waiting, looking towards Old Woodway Road.
April 20, 2006
12:13 am
James over @ Hicks W/ bag of clothes. He is over there so often is hard to tell if he moved to Pennington or not. During this time, he was riding old guy'd blue & white moped up & down gravel.
April 21, 2006
James left on moped between 3:15pm and 3:30pm. Returned 11:25pm.
April 22, 2006
James returned from somewhere.
James left on moped again.
April 23, 2006 Sunday night
10:55 pm
James came back.
James flashed moped light through livingroom window. When we went to see what was what, he pointed a small pistol at us and a small laser pointer @ Ron's chest. Then made gestures of wanting Ron to come outside to fight, then he took off. Called polcie. James came back while we were waiting for police. When police showed up, Sonia and Brenda kept getting in thier way before Chris Oakley & AJ McQueen could come over here. James left again while officers in our house talking to us.
April 22 to April 23, 2006
Over weekend, several members of Trenchcoat Society over @ Hicks. Ron recognized one of them as the driver of 80's black Chevy Impala that jumped him as he tried to ealk to Pennington on 3/3/06 ~1-2pm. White male, ~30's, facial hair but not bushy & not kept either, about James' build but taller, dark eyes, and hair sort of wavy.
April 24, 2006
Sonia walking down road.
3:05 pm
James back again.
3:10pm James on moped again.
April 26, 2006
Tim Blecher & Donna Kolb helped me get warrants on James for brandishing and violating protective order.
9:25 pm
JYE-1302. tag number of older mustang, dark color, black or blue. acted like wanted to run me over at stop sign as i was on way to BP. Someone that looked like James was in Back seat.
April 27, 2006
James arrested on warrants that evening, but was obviously released cause seen him across street 7:59 - 8pm.
9:15 pm
Brenda at fence staring over here like she wanted to pick a fight with me.
Plus all evening Brenda's daughter bringing Ronnie's stuff to Hicks from Susie. Super-Nintendo system & games, PS1 system & games, DVD player. and guitar granny got her.
April 28, 2006
noon- 1pm
Bill & old guy continually staring over here, talking twixt themselves, neither appearing to be in a good mood.
1:17 pm
James on a metallic red moped, obviously not in jail. Hicks & old guy standing in front of him, trying to hide him.
Back on moped again & left towards Susie's.
April 29, 2006
blue convertible tried to run Daisy over. James & Brenda's daughter racing scooters up & down gravel road.
April 30, 2006
All night long, someone messing around in shadows, too dark to tell who it was.
May 2, 2006
11:50-`12:10 am
James across street.
May 3, 2006
5 pm
James & Megan on red scooter up & down gravel.
May 4, 2006
James living at Susie's. Ronnie saw helmet he wears on porch in front of house.
May 5, 2006
Bill, Brenda, Jerico came back from Susie's w/ Ronnie's hunting clothes and old brown teddy bear (one I fixed) that Ron had as baby & gave it to Ronnie.Brenda had on Granny's red plaid shirt. Ronnie saw it & got extremely upset.
May 8, 2006
9:21 pm
2 pings off side of house and at same time over at Hick's someone at side of van w/ door open ie. light was on, and turned oit off very quickly. Brenda also seen running towards house quickly.
May 9, 2006
Hicks puppies went after Ronnie on way home from school.
May 10, 2006
James over at Hicks
May 14, 2006
Curtain moved on Hicks' front door. Ronnie turned around & saw James flipping her off. Her & I were on our way back from BP.
May 19, 2006
3:45 pm
Hicks' puppies after Ronnie again.
May 21, 2006
2 am
James across steet again, Brenda outside with him til he left.
Letter written to FBI about ID theft....
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet to return any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an officer out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said he'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
FTC report number of ID Theft from James .....7565200
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet t oreturn any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an office out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said hr'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
If keeping the peace of justice is a main concern of yours when looking for a plce to live, then don't consider living in Lee County, Virginia. Recently I've been in court a lot over a protective order in this county. The person I have it against has viloated it several times. But the police and justice system of this county refuse to do anything about it. This person has pulled guns on us more than once, they have put a knife to my husband's throat,threatened to rape my step-daughter, made threats of burning our home, and the list goes on. But would you believe, the local sheriff's department refuses to do anything about it. We've been told by one officer that it is not the LCSD job to protect people, or gather evidence, or get warrants.
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....part 2
Security: Private
Chronology of Akers Problem....
It all started when I told James to leave at end of July, cause of ID theft. James staed w/ us from July 5th to the 28th. He started calling & threatening us cause we went to police about it. Judge conviceted him on 2 counts of threatening & harrassing phone calls. He told James to leave us alone. Rasnic appealed it. In middle of Dec, James moved in with the Hicks across street. Heather Jones heard from Megan Goodman bragging at school, that the only reason he moved there was to harrass us.
Dec. 15, 2005
12:30 - 12:45 pm
Ron went to get Ronnie off bus. He got jumped by 5 people, 3 with guns. One hit him in the mouth, cutting inside of his mouth, They threatened to burn our house down tonite.
Dec 16, 2005
James living with Hick across street.
Dec. 21, 2005
Ronnie & I were outside making x-mas wreaths. James came out, talking on cordless phone. In between his phone calls, Ronnie heard & I saw him say he was going to rape her & myself. Called the police, but dispatch refused to send an officer out even to just look into the matter because, she said, my lip reading and hearing loss weren't good enough to warrant an officer coming out.
Jan 30, 2006
Megan Goodman came up to Ronnie & told her to lay off of James, or she'd kick Ronnie's ass. Megan was with Jelisa Coomer & 2 teen boys. Heather Jones witnessed it also. Ronnie spoke to Casey & Officer Crabtree abou tit the next day. Megan lives next to Lee Bank - yellow ranch-style house #518.
Feb 10, 2006
7:10 pm
Someone shooting at me from direction of Hicks, on rt 642 on my way back from BP.
Feb 12, 2006
Sonia moved in w/ us.
evening hours
Feb 15, 2006
3:40 - 3:45pm
While Ron waited for Ronnie after school at bus stop, Blue Durango pulled up, James rolled window down cussing Ron & threatening to kill him. Durango took off & came back w/ no James. Tag # Durango JRJ 1201.
James walking up road on RT. 642.
Feb 21, 2006
James getting into vehicle & making threatening gestures at Ron.
Feb 23, 2006
Court - protective order, permanent until Dec. 2006. Against james.
Feb. 24, 2006
Durango came to pick up Brenda Hicks, who while waiting was constantly staring over here.
March 7, 2006
James no-show at court (appeal).
Bill Hicks and James pointing shotgun through window @ our dining room windows.
March 8, 2006
3:45 pm
Bill Hicks, by black truck, pointing something @ Ron as Ron was getting Ronnie off school bus.
7:15 pm
Someone (male) called from prepaid cell phone, heavy breathing, sounding like he was "getting off."
March 10, 2006
Court. Sonia almost f'ed up court, by wanted t oget in James' face while waiting for court io begin in afternoon. Jamesadmitted to threats and pled guilty to phone charges. Was sentenced to 2 yrs probation, $500 fine and 90 days in jail, suspended. Judge told him not to speak, email, or bother us in any way shape or form. Told him it would be a good idea to move.
March 11, 2006
Made Sonia leave, cause she tried to force herself on Ron, & was refusing to help me get food in th ehouse. She made it very clear that if they didn't like it, they could go witrhout....Told her to not come back on property or speak to us again.
March 12,2006
7:45 pm
Went to B/P, Sonia there, tried to follow me home, yelling and wanting to start a fight.
Sonia went with James next door.
March 13, 2006
12:36 pm(after midnight)
Brenda flipping us off, and waving arms in windows.
early morning hours 1 am - 5:30 am
Brenda, Sonia, and James spent the night shining blue lights & making threatening gestures at us. Brenda also playing with blue/green light sticks while James in full view of window flipping us off & making gun gestures at us.
3:45 pm
Set Sonia's luggage outside on property line of drive way. Wind was blowing strong, so luggage fell over. When I went outside to set it back up, Sonia, Brenda, and James came out straight at me, so I went back in house through back door. James came within 20 feet of me with something in his hand. Sonia started yelling something.
After I was back in house, Sonia came into yard, pacing back & forth still yelling, wanting me ot come outside to fight.
4:08 pm
James outside flipping us off, making threatening gestures, climbing tree and acting like a total jerk.
March 14, 2006
7:45 am
Sonia on back porch, staring at me.
noon hours
Every time Ron or I went outside, a few moments later Bill, Sonia, or Brenda would be out on thier back porch watching us.
At school
Megan throwing stuff at Ronnie during lunch ~ 5th period. Ronie told Miss Brewer about it.
Bill outside revving motor of black Ford. But, hasn't been working on it today.
Bill & Mr. Beard revving motor of black Ford again.
March 15, 2006
Bill revving motor of black Ford again, but as usual not appearing to be working on it.
7:15 pm
Red Dodge truck came back; while Brenda, her daughter & Sonia got out, driver of truck shaking a blue light towards our house. When in house, Sonia came to window making gun gestures.
Brenda's daughter playing with blue light around black truck 3x's.
Brenda flashing blue lights on back porch, making dogs bark everywhere.
March 20, 2006
Someone waving arms in air in Hick's yard.
Just before midnight
Someone shining lights through kitchen windows, jsut before that 3 pings off propane tanks and Sonia staring over here through windows.
March 21, 2006
Bill followed me to BP And back home. He didn't have any bags or such from store, so why did he go to store behind me?
March 23, 2006
I went to BP to get some dinner, meanwhile people next door watching my leaving & for my return.
Ron went to BP. As always, someone outside watching him, but too dark to say who it was exactly. Happens all the time.
10:20 pm
Sound of glass hitting glass, 3rd time.
March 24, 2006
Jeff @ Septic Remedy called wanting to speak to James about "his septic system". 1-800-834-3405 phone number. It was done online day before yesterday, most prob within last month. Called police about it. Major Woodard called back bitching me out for speaking to Carla At DOJ. He refused to send an officer out.
March 26, 2006
7 emails for James at Ron's hotmail account ( for loans, credit cards and mortgages.
1st of emails: Ronnie Doss (branch manager) @ Beneficial. 276-669-6181. I spoke to Mr. Doss, told him what was going on, he said he'd make sure it didn't happen again.
March 27, 2006
Kelly from Champion Mortgage called asking for James.This one was done on 3/26/06. He was trying to get a mortgage on this house using our phone number & Ron's email addy. phone #: 1-866-151-2274.
Also Oak Street Mortgage called, for same thing for James. PH#: 1-813-342-4021.
March 28, 2006
Sonia still across street, been hiding out of sight.
12:30pm (afternoon)
When I went to BP, as I came out, saw Bill standing behind store watching me.
Ames Home Loans, Kenita called asking for James again. 1-866-891-0010. James trying to refinancea nonexisting mortgage on this house. Customer Service 1-800-737-1192. They had just got it in from the internet today.
9:45 pm
James waving something that looked like a rifle in wondow towards here & shining lights through windows again.
March 29, 2006
Bobby Ellis came by & picked up cd's w/ pics & emails. Said they'd talk to Shawn to see what is going on.
March 30, 2006
1:15 am
Someone flashing lights from Hicks again.
March 31, 2006
1:45 pm
Mr. Parsons came over to look at septic tank. While here, the old guy @ Hick's standing by fence staring unnervingly at Mr. Parsons. Mr. Parsons wasn't to liking to that.
April 1, 2006
11:01 pm
Someone flashing blue light again.
April 3, 2006
11:25 am
H&R Block Mortgage called asking for Ron. They swore up & down that it was to discuss a refinance on the house. Thing is thogh, Ron has never done anything with H&R Block Mortgage. Melanie (supervisor) 1-877-HR BLOCK.
9:10pm - 9:35pm
Bill, Brenda, Gary, and couple others got out of Chevy Astro Van waving blu & green lights while Bill waved what looked like a revolver around.
April 6, 2006
James back across street again, driving silver car. Bill keeps switching plates between Black truck & black Chevy Astro.
April 7, 2006
8:45 am
James and everyone outside, when James got into silver car, pointing what looked like a little snub-nose pistol over here.
April 10, 2006
3:45 - 4pm
Hicks' pups going after Ron & Ronnie. Bill egging them on to attack.
April 11, 2006
Got medicine to help control bleeding. Am seeing Dr. Libdeh bout female probs, bleeding to point of hemmohraging. Cause by stress across street.
April 11 to April 12, 2006
midnight to 5am
Brenda & couple others kept staring over here, shining lights through front windows all nigt long.
April 15, 2006
They are shining lights again and staring over here. James over there whole weekend.
April 16, 2006
Same as night before, but mainly Sonia, Brenda, and Bill.
April 17, 2006
7-8 pm
Sonia & Brenda up & down street, angrily, & heading towards BP, while I was going to store. Brenda had what seemed like a gun in her waistband of pants. James over @ Hicks too. He showed up @ Hicks after I got back from BP.
April 18, 2006
~9:50 - 10:15 pm
Two shots rang out from a pellet gun. One hit my right ankle as I walked to BP. Shots came from direction of Hicks. Chris Oakley took report.
April 19, 2006
Ron got email at Myspace, seemed to be from James, but no return email addy, threatening all of us again.
When I went to BP, guy w/ curly hair on Hicks' back porch with what looked like a rifle of some sorts watching & waiting, looking towards Old Woodway Road.
April 20, 2006
12:13 am
James over @ Hicks W/ bag of clothes. He is over there so often is hard to tell if he moved to Pennington or not. During this time, he was riding old guy'd blue & white moped up & down gravel.
April 21, 2006
James left on moped between 3:15pm and 3:30pm. Returned 11:25pm.
April 22, 2006
James returned from somewhere.
James left on moped again.
April 23, 2006 Sunday night
10:55 pm
James came back.
James flashed moped light through livingroom window. When we went to see what was what, he pointed a small pistol at us and a small laser pointer @ Ron's chest. Then made gestures of wanting Ron to come outside to fight, then he took off. Called polcie. James came back while we were waiting for police. When police showed up, Sonia and Brenda kept getting in thier way before Chris Oakley & AJ McQueen could come over here. James left again while officers in our house talking to us.
April 22 to April 23, 2006
Over weekend, several members of Trenchcoat Society over @ Hicks. Ron recognized one of them as the driver of 80's black Chevy Impala that jumped him as he tried to ealk to Pennington on 3/3/06 ~1-2pm. White male, ~30's, facial hair but not bushy & not kept either, about James' build but taller, dark eyes, and hair sort of wavy.
April 24, 2006
Sonia walking down road.
3:05 pm
James back again.
3:10pm James on moped again.
April 26, 2006
Tim Blecher & Donna Kolb helped me get warrants on James for brandishing and violating protective order.
9:25 pm
JYE-1302. tag number of older mustang, dark color, black or blue. acted like wanted to run me over at stop sign as i was on way to BP. Someone that looked like James was in Back seat.
April 27, 2006
James arrested on warrants that evening, but was obviously released cause seen him across street 7:59 - 8pm.
9:15 pm
Brenda at fence staring over here like she wanted to pick a fight with me.
Plus all evening Brenda's daughter bringing Ronnie's stuff to Hicks from Susie. Super-Nintendo system & games, PS1 system & games, DVD player. and guitar granny got her.
April 28, 2006
noon- 1pm
Bill & old guy continually staring over here, talking twixt themselves, neither appearing to be in a good mood.
1:17 pm
James on a metallic red moped, obviously not in jail. Hicks & old guy standing in front of him, trying to hide him.
Back on moped again & left towards Susie's.
April 29, 2006
blue convertible tried to run Daisy over. James & Brenda's daughter racing scooters up & down gravel road.
April 30, 2006
All night long, someone messing around in shadows, too dark to tell who it was.
May 2, 2006
11:50-`12:10 am
James across street.
May 3, 2006
5 pm
James & Megan on red scooter up & down gravel.
May 4, 2006
James living at Susie's. Ronnie saw helmet he wears on porch in front of house.
May 5, 2006
Bill, Brenda, Jerico came back from Susie's w/ Ronnie's hunting clothes and old brown teddy bear (one I fixed) that Ron had as baby & gave it to Ronnie.Brenda had on Granny's red plaid shirt. Ronnie saw it & got extremely upset.
May 8, 2006
9:21 pm
2 pings off side of house and at same time over at Hick's someone at side of van w/ door open ie. light was on, and turned oit off very quickly. Brenda also seen running towards house quickly.
May 9, 2006
Hicks puppies went after Ronnie on way home from school.
May 10, 2006
James over at Hicks
May 14, 2006
Curtain moved on Hicks' front door. Ronnie turned around & saw James flipping her off. Her & I were on our way back from BP.
May 19, 2006
3:45 pm
Hicks' puppies after Ronnie again.
May 21, 2006
2 am
James across steet again, Brenda outside with him til he left.
Letter written to FBI about ID theft....
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet to return any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an officer out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said he'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
FTC report number of ID Theft from James .....7565200
Dear Sir,
Here is a summary of The ID theft problem we have with Mr. Akers.
1st are people I've been speaking to concerning this problem:
Sheriff Gary Parsons and Detective Bobby Ellis: Lee County Sheriff Department 276-346-7777
Shawn Hines, Commonwealth Attorney: 276-346-1921
Gene Fishel Attny : VA Attny General, Computer Crimes Division 804-786-2071
Carla: Va Supreme Court, victim's rights 1-888-887-3418
Phone calls recently concerining James:
1) 3/24/06 4:10pm Septic Remedy Jeff 1-800-834-3405
Jeff said that this was done online within last month. James was trying to get some kind of compound from here for a septic tank @ "his house".
2) 3/26/06 Morning hours Beneficial Ronnie Doss-branch manager 276-669-6181
James trying for a loan through them using my husband's email addy & phone number.
3) 3/27/06 10:20am Champion Mortgage Kelly 1-866-151-2274
James trying to get a mortgage on this house saying it was his. But this house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 years old. Kelly stated that this was done on Saturday, 3/25/06.
4) 3/27/06 sometime in afternoon Oak Street Mortgage 1-813-342-4021
James trying for another mortgage on this house.
5) 3/28/06 4:20pm Ames Home Loans Kenita 1-866-891-0010
Customer Service 1-800-737-1192
Kenita stated that they just got information from internet on this day. She said he was after a refinance loan on a "mortgage he already had on this house."
6) 4/3/06 11:25 am H&R Block Mortgage Melanie-supervisor 1-877-HR BLOCK
Melanie said they were contacted by someone saying they were my husband wanting to refinance a mortage on thier home. My husband has never done anything with this company.
Plus, we do not have any loans, mortgages, or anything on this house. This house belongs to my husband's daughter who is 15 YO. My husband only has a lifetime heir to it.
3/10/06 James plead guilty to harrassing/threatening phone calls (Sec. 18.2-427 of VA code) Judge sentenced him to 90 days suspended and 2 years probation and a $500 fine. Judge told James to leave us alone, not to speak to us, not to email us, nor harrass us with emails, or use friends to harrass us, not to stare over at our house when he was outside, or shine lights through our windows at night.The phone calls came about back in Augusr of 2005, James called twice threatening us because I went to police over ID theft that occurred while James stayed with us that July, the previous month. We found charges on my husband's credit card that he nor I knew about and the credit acrd company, Providian, wanted a police report filed on it. Det. Bobby Ellis said for me to give him time to investigate it. Meanwhile, James's attny, Mr. Rasnic originally appealed the charges over the threatening phone calls that November, the 14th. In the middle of December James moved in with the neighbors across the street. My step-daughter heard from James' girlfriend at school (Megan Goodman), that the only reason he moved in with the Hicks was to harrass us and stay on our faces because of the Warrants & id theft. On the 21st of Dec. My step-daughter and I were outside making Christmas wreaths, James came outside across the street. I saw and she heard him threaten to rape her and myself. Also, on Wednesday, 2/15/06, James was in a blue Durango, which pulled up to my husband, while he was waiting for his daughter to get off the school bus. James rolled the window down, cussing my husband and threatening to kill him. The Durango took off and came back with no James. At 4pm saw James walking up Rt 642 (old Woodway Road). Officer Bosco came out and took a report on it . On numerous occassions James, along with the Hicks, would shine lights through our windows at night, aggravating us and our dogs, causing us to have very little sleep. There were numerous times James would make obscene gestures and threatening gestures from the Hick's yard, at us as we would be walking up the street. When ever we would go outside, someone from over there would always be watching our coming in & out. I had been working on getting a protective order against him, which was granted about Feb. 23rd.
3/11/06 - 3/12/06 James started with the lights thru the windows at night and threatening gestures again. He was being more brazen this time.
3/14/06 Called Shawn Hines, commonwealth attorney, about it. He said to give him a few days and he'd go before the judge for a show cause to revoke james sentence because he was back to harrassing us again. Have yet to hear anything from Mr. Hines about it or the ID theft. He has yet t oreturn any of my phone calls.
3/24/06 called police about the Septic Remedy place, needed a report filed on it, dispatch said they'd send an office out to do so. But about a 1/2 hour later Major Woodard called back yelling at me for calling the DOJ (Carla) asking for assistance since I was getting ignored by sheriff's department over enforcing the protective order against Mr. Akers.
3/29/06 Detecives Bobby Ellis and Fred Rouse came by to pick up a CD-Rom that has the emails on it. Bobby said hr'd call me for the rest of the information about the ID theft. But has yet to do so.
If you need anymore information or have questions, feel free to call me or email me. Phone number is 276-546-6936.
Thank-you for your attn in this matter.
Christine J. Schaffner
If keeping the peace of justice is a main concern of yours when looking for a plce to live, then don't consider living in Lee County, Virginia. Recently I've been in court a lot over a protective order in this county. The person I have it against has viloated it several times. But the police and justice system of this county refuse to do anything about it. This person has pulled guns on us more than once, they have put a knife to my husband's throat,threatened to rape my step-daughter, made threats of burning our home, and the list goes on. But would you believe, the local sheriff's department refuses to do anything about it. We've been told by one officer that it is not the LCSD job to protect people, or gather evidence, or get warrants.
terrorism in own backyard....part 4
Date: 2006-09-02 04:41
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....part 4
Security: Private
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:00:20 -0800
Subject: James Akers, Here are your results from on 03/25/2006
Dear James Akers,
Thank you for choosing LoanWeb®. We are dedicated to helping you choose the best option for your mortgage – easily and painlessly.
Using the information you provided, we matched your request with the following lender whom our experts have determined is ideal for your needs:
Company Name
Aames Home Loans - VA
Loan Officer
(800) 410-1955
Whether it’s purchasing your dream home, lowering your mortgage payment, or getting cash from your current home’s equity, the members of the network are eager to help you achieve your goals.
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You will receive a Loanweb email notice for each Lender matched to your online request.
Lenders will be contacting you by phone or e-mail within the next 24-48 hours.
They will have a brief (10-15 minute) conversation with you, during which they will discuss your needs, request information (such as your Social Security number) to determine your credit score, and customize a mortgage quote for you.
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Since 1996, LoanWeb has helped millions of consumers to painlessly choose the best option for their mortgage loan. We look forward to helping you as well. In 2004, was a big part of the long-term success that resulted in iHomeowners, Inc. being included in the Inc. 500 – an honor bestowed by Inc. Magazine on the 500 fastest-growing private companies in America.
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Subject: Thank you for your inquiry from LOAN WEB
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 14:04:44 -0600
Thank you for your loan inquiry with LOAN WEB.
Beneficial looks forward to serving all of your financial needs.
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I want to personally thank you for your recent loan request and to let you know that we've received your loan inquiry from LOAN WEB. You can expect a Beneficial Loan Officer to be contacting you shortly.
In the meantime, if you'd like to contact our office, feel free to call at 276-669-6181. Or, if you prefer, you may visit the branch as well. We're in the neighborhood.
Beneficial Branch Office
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Thanks again for your loan request through LOAN WEB. We look forward to working with you.
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Subject: Loan Application Response
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:17:03 -0500
Two Gatehall Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054-4521
A Division of KeyBank National Association
Dear James Akers,
Recently, you filed a mortgage inquiry online through Loan Web.
Champion Mortgage® is delighted to be one of the companies to receive your inquiry. We know that the process of getting a loan can be overwhelming. After all the phone calls and different loan programs, it can be difficult to make the right decision.
Champion® tailors each loan to meet your specific needs, and we make the process easy and informative. How do we do this? It all starts with one simple call to us at 1 800 CHAMPION (242-6746) ext. 6608.
Your loan program is the result of an equation that takes into consideration your personal credit history, property, income, loan type, term and loan amount.
At this point, we have some basic information about you. In order to put together a program that is right for you, we need to a more detailed conversation about what you need and what you may qualify for. Reviewing this together, we will then be able to provide you with every possible option available for you to choose.
Champion Mortgage has been helping people for over 20 years and is a division of KeyBank National Association, one of the nation’s largest retail banks. Our great success is attributed to our world-class customer service. Our processing time is one of the fastest in the industry.
Call us today at 1 800 CHAMPION (242-6746) ext. 6608 to develop the program tailored to your specific needs. Or visit our website at
Best Regards,
Champion Mortgage
1 800 CHAMPION ext. 6608
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information. It is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing or using any of this information. If you received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy. This communication may contain nonpublic personal information about consumers subject to the restrictions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. You may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose such information for any purpose other than to provide services requested by Champion Mortgage, a division of Key Bank USA, National Association. 127 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44114 --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you prefer not to receive future e-mail offers for products or services from Key send an e-mail to with 'No Promotional E-mails' in the SUBJECT line. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: "Beneficial"
Subject: It pays to open this, JAMES AKERS
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 20:43:42 -0500
Beneficial wants to help you reach your financial goals.
Within the past year you were presented with an offer from Beneficial when you inquired about loan products through RONNIE DOSS®. For whatever reason, the loan request was never completed. Today I have been authorized to extend a special invitation for you to apply for up to $35,000.* Just click here to visit Beneficial and apply for the money you need. You can also reach me at 276-669-6181 or feel free to stop by my office located at:
Beneficial Branch Office
BRISTOL, VA, 24201
For more than 85 years, Beneficial has helped make a difference in people's lives. As part of HSBC, one of the world's largest and most respected financial services companies, we are proud of our tradition of caring, trust and service.
You can rely on Beneficial to meet all your financial needs.
We'll process your application, and upon approval, give you a check for up to $35,000.* Use the money any way you want. Pay off new appliances...fix up your house. To make sure you get as much money as possible, please be sure to apply by June 16, 2006.*
If you can use the cash, there's no need to wait. Just visit me, call 276-669-6181 or apply online.
Branch Manager, Beneficial
P.S. No matter how you apply – at a Beneficial branch, by phone or online – your satisfaction is guaranteed.
10-day Satisfaction Guarantee – Because we want you to be completely satisfied, we offer a Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this loan and you repay it in full within 10 days after the loan funds are disbursed, other than with a refinance of this loan with us, we will refund any interest charges, closing costs and fees. We will also waive any prepayment penalty applicable to your loan.
Note: California residents will not receive this satisfaction guarantee on unsecured loans.
* Subject to credit approval
Arizona: Real estate installment and revolving loans over $10,000 are made by BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO. OF ARIZONA, Mortgage Bankers License #BK-7587. California: Loans will be made pursuant to a California Department of Corporations Finance Lenders License. Georgia: Real Estate loans are made by BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO. OF GEORGIA, a Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee. License No. 6046. Massachusetts: Licensed as a Mortgage Lender – License #ML-1673 (Principal Office). New Hampshire: Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department. New Jersey: Beneficial New Jersey Inc. d/b/a/ Beneficial Mortgage Co. is licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance. New York: Licensed Mortgage Banker - NYS Banking Department. Ohio: Loans are made by Beneficial Ohio, Inc. Pennsylvania: Loans are made by Beneficial Consumer Discount Company d/b/a Beneficial Mortgage Co. of Pennsylvania. Rhode Island: Rhode Island Licensed Lender. Washington: Loans are made by Beneficial Washington, Inc.
This email was sent to: LOSTDYINGSOUL@HOTMAIL.COM
You received this email because you made a loan inquiry at LOANWEB.
If you no longer wish to receive emails from Beneficial, please reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE typed in the subject line. Please allow ten business days for your changes to be implemented.
Beneficial Customer Service
PO Box 1547
Chesapeake, VA 23327
Copyright 2006 Beneficial
Subject: terrorism in own backyard....part 4
Security: Private
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:00:20 -0800
Subject: James Akers, Here are your results from on 03/25/2006
Dear James Akers,
Thank you for choosing LoanWeb®. We are dedicated to helping you choose the best option for your mortgage – easily and painlessly.
Using the information you provided, we matched your request with the following lender whom our experts have determined is ideal for your needs:
Company Name
Aames Home Loans - VA
Loan Officer
(800) 410-1955
Whether it’s purchasing your dream home, lowering your mortgage payment, or getting cash from your current home’s equity, the members of the network are eager to help you achieve your goals.
What to Expect
Now that you’ve submitted your request to LoanWeb, here’s what will happen next…
You will receive a Loanweb email notice for each Lender matched to your online request.
Lenders will be contacting you by phone or e-mail within the next 24-48 hours.
They will have a brief (10-15 minute) conversation with you, during which they will discuss your needs, request information (such as your Social Security number) to determine your credit score, and customize a mortgage quote for you.
Compare the mortgage deals from all the lenders – and choose the one that’s best for you!
LoanWeb’s Record of Success
Since 1996, LoanWeb has helped millions of consumers to painlessly choose the best option for their mortgage loan. We look forward to helping you as well. In 2004, was a big part of the long-term success that resulted in iHomeowners, Inc. being included in the Inc. 500 – an honor bestowed by Inc. Magazine on the 500 fastest-growing private companies in America.
Helpful Links from LoanWeb and our Partners
LoanWeb is dedicated to making your mortgage choice easier. Please use the resources below to help you determine which offer is right for you.
Free Credit Report – Not sure what your credit score is? Know your credit rating, so you can catch and dispute inaccuracies and detect and stop identity theft.
Save on Your Homeowner’s Insurance – Find better insurance rates and updated coverage for a new or existing home. Get free, no obligation Homeowners Insurance quotes and information at
Mortgage Calculators – Online tools to quickly and easily help you purchase a new home, refinance your current home, or buy a new vehicle.
Credit Scoring – Everything you need to know about your credit score and how to improve it to get better loan rates.
Again, thank you for choosing LoanWeb. We look forward to helping you choose the best mortgage option – quickly and painlessly!
Customer Relations
Subject: Thank you for your inquiry from LOAN WEB
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 14:04:44 -0600
Thank you for your loan inquiry with LOAN WEB.
Beneficial looks forward to serving all of your financial needs.
We look forward to working with you one-on-one to find the right loan to fit your needs and budget.
I want to personally thank you for your recent loan request and to let you know that we've received your loan inquiry from LOAN WEB. You can expect a Beneficial Loan Officer to be contacting you shortly.
In the meantime, if you'd like to contact our office, feel free to call at 276-669-6181. Or, if you prefer, you may visit the branch as well. We're in the neighborhood.
Beneficial Branch Office
It's just one more way we provide you with the choices and convenience you deserve.
Thanks again for your loan request through LOAN WEB. We look forward to working with you.
Branch Manager
Getting the money you need has never been easier.
An Equal Opportunity Lender
This email was sent to: LOSTDYINGSOUL@HOTMAIL.COM
You received this confirmation email because you made a loan inquiry at LOAN WEB.
If you no longer wish to receive email from Beneficial, please reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE typed in the subject line. Please allow ten business days for your changes to be implemented.
Beneficial is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. If you would like more details, please visit Beneficial's Privacy Statement at
Copyright 2004.
Beneficial Customer Service
PO Box 1547
Chesapeake, VA 23327
Crush! Zap! Destroy! Junk e-mail trembles before the might of Windows Live(tm) Mail beta. Windows Live(tm) Mail beta
Subject: Loan Application Response
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 15:17:03 -0500
Two Gatehall Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054-4521
A Division of KeyBank National Association
Dear James Akers,
Recently, you filed a mortgage inquiry online through Loan Web.
Champion Mortgage® is delighted to be one of the companies to receive your inquiry. We know that the process of getting a loan can be overwhelming. After all the phone calls and different loan programs, it can be difficult to make the right decision.
Champion® tailors each loan to meet your specific needs, and we make the process easy and informative. How do we do this? It all starts with one simple call to us at 1 800 CHAMPION (242-6746) ext. 6608.
Your loan program is the result of an equation that takes into consideration your personal credit history, property, income, loan type, term and loan amount.
At this point, we have some basic information about you. In order to put together a program that is right for you, we need to a more detailed conversation about what you need and what you may qualify for. Reviewing this together, we will then be able to provide you with every possible option available for you to choose.
Champion Mortgage has been helping people for over 20 years and is a division of KeyBank National Association, one of the nation’s largest retail banks. Our great success is attributed to our world-class customer service. Our processing time is one of the fastest in the industry.
Call us today at 1 800 CHAMPION (242-6746) ext. 6608 to develop the program tailored to your specific needs. Or visit our website at
Best Regards,
Champion Mortgage
1 800 CHAMPION ext. 6608
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information. It is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing or using any of this information. If you received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy. This communication may contain nonpublic personal information about consumers subject to the restrictions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. You may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose such information for any purpose other than to provide services requested by Champion Mortgage, a division of Key Bank USA, National Association. 127 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44114 --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you prefer not to receive future e-mail offers for products or services from Key send an e-mail to with 'No Promotional E-mails' in the SUBJECT line. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: "Beneficial"
Subject: It pays to open this, JAMES AKERS
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 20:43:42 -0500
Beneficial wants to help you reach your financial goals.
Within the past year you were presented with an offer from Beneficial when you inquired about loan products through RONNIE DOSS®. For whatever reason, the loan request was never completed. Today I have been authorized to extend a special invitation for you to apply for up to $35,000.* Just click here to visit Beneficial and apply for the money you need. You can also reach me at 276-669-6181 or feel free to stop by my office located at:
Beneficial Branch Office
BRISTOL, VA, 24201
For more than 85 years, Beneficial has helped make a difference in people's lives. As part of HSBC, one of the world's largest and most respected financial services companies, we are proud of our tradition of caring, trust and service.
You can rely on Beneficial to meet all your financial needs.
We'll process your application, and upon approval, give you a check for up to $35,000.* Use the money any way you want. Pay off new appliances...fix up your house. To make sure you get as much money as possible, please be sure to apply by June 16, 2006.*
If you can use the cash, there's no need to wait. Just visit me, call 276-669-6181 or apply online.
Branch Manager, Beneficial
P.S. No matter how you apply – at a Beneficial branch, by phone or online – your satisfaction is guaranteed.
10-day Satisfaction Guarantee – Because we want you to be completely satisfied, we offer a Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this loan and you repay it in full within 10 days after the loan funds are disbursed, other than with a refinance of this loan with us, we will refund any interest charges, closing costs and fees. We will also waive any prepayment penalty applicable to your loan.
Note: California residents will not receive this satisfaction guarantee on unsecured loans.
* Subject to credit approval
Arizona: Real estate installment and revolving loans over $10,000 are made by BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO. OF ARIZONA, Mortgage Bankers License #BK-7587. California: Loans will be made pursuant to a California Department of Corporations Finance Lenders License. Georgia: Real Estate loans are made by BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO. OF GEORGIA, a Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee. License No. 6046. Massachusetts: Licensed as a Mortgage Lender – License #ML-1673 (Principal Office). New Hampshire: Licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department. New Jersey: Beneficial New Jersey Inc. d/b/a/ Beneficial Mortgage Co. is licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance. New York: Licensed Mortgage Banker - NYS Banking Department. Ohio: Loans are made by Beneficial Ohio, Inc. Pennsylvania: Loans are made by Beneficial Consumer Discount Company d/b/a Beneficial Mortgage Co. of Pennsylvania. Rhode Island: Rhode Island Licensed Lender. Washington: Loans are made by Beneficial Washington, Inc.
This email was sent to: LOSTDYINGSOUL@HOTMAIL.COM
You received this email because you made a loan inquiry at LOANWEB.
If you no longer wish to receive emails from Beneficial, please reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE typed in the subject line. Please allow ten business days for your changes to be implemented.
Beneficial Customer Service
PO Box 1547
Chesapeake, VA 23327
Copyright 2006 Beneficial
Friday, June 16, 2006
Petition: Right to protect one's self and family
A peitition that is the first step to getting the laws changed because we need to be able to protect ourselves and family with out being jailed, when the law enforcement ignores the problem, and waits for someone to be seriously hurt or killed before they act.... Right to protect one's self and familyTarget: Rick Boucher, Congressman, US House of Representatives Sponsor: People should be allowed to do what is reasonable to protect themselves and thier family. Too often, when someone does do such, they face jail time instead of the person who was harming them in the first place.Imagine how you would feel, if you had to go to the furthest part of your peoperty and let the intruder do as they please. Then you are told, that if you raise one hand in self defense against the attacker, then you'd be the one in jail. Right to protect one's self and familyThis country was founded by people who were willing to take a stand and face the issues that interfered with thier ability to protect thier families. Why is it then, now, people are afraid to protect themselves, because too often the criminals get off scott-free, and the victims are painted out to be the criminal. |
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Mamma Why?
Mamma, Why?
Motherhood...It's suppose to be beautiful, protective, and perfect. But, too often I see greed, betrayal, and hypocrisy.....
Mama Why?
You're selling stuff
to that guy.
You don't tell me
you love me.
I see you smile
only when you buy.
Mama Why?
You hit me and
cut me down.
What happened
to tender carresses
and Good-nite kisses?
Mama Why?
You use and abuse
No Play-doh
No checkers
Just dirty floors
and boyfriends in bed.
Mama Why?
Why am I so alone,
I thought you'd
hold me and keep me safe.
No food or Kool-aid,
Just roaches and darkness.
You are always gone
or so out of it,
you don't know
who I am.
Mama, Why??
Motherhood...It's suppose to be beautiful, protective, and perfect. But, too often I see greed, betrayal, and hypocrisy.....
Mama Why?
You're selling stuff
to that guy.
You don't tell me
you love me.
I see you smile
only when you buy.
Mama Why?
You hit me and
cut me down.
What happened
to tender carresses
and Good-nite kisses?
Mama Why?
You use and abuse
No Play-doh
No checkers
Just dirty floors
and boyfriends in bed.
Mama Why?
Why am I so alone,
I thought you'd
hold me and keep me safe.
No food or Kool-aid,
Just roaches and darkness.
You are always gone
or so out of it,
you don't know
who I am.
Mama, Why??
A Rose
Does anyone know
how to make a rose grow?
When its trampled
and torn to pieces.
It's scarlet velvet
bleeding and yearning
For the simple touch
of love and life
to begin again.
how to make a rose grow?
When its trampled
and torn to pieces.
It's scarlet velvet
bleeding and yearning
For the simple touch
of love and life
to begin again.
Sound is beautiful
Sound is beautiful
What is hearing?
When you don't have it...
It interferes with everything.
If you can't hear
you can't communicate
Can't hear the birds
or the wind
Can't hear music in the air
dogs barking
or a baby's cry
Sound is beautiful
to be cherished like love
Peaple don't know
what they have,
They don't realize
how special eveythig is
til its gone....
I don't want people to know
what it is like to lose and never have again..
What is hearing?
When you don't have it...
It interferes with everything.
If you can't hear
you can't communicate
Can't hear the birds
or the wind
Can't hear music in the air
dogs barking
or a baby's cry
Sound is beautiful
to be cherished like love
Peaple don't know
what they have,
They don't realize
how special eveythig is
til its gone....
I don't want people to know
what it is like to lose and never have again..