Burning Knife

my writings

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mamma Why?

Mamma, Why?
Motherhood...It's suppose to be beautiful, protective, and perfect. But, too often I see greed, betrayal, and hypocrisy.....

Mama Why?
You're selling stuff
to that guy.
You don't tell me
you love me.
I see you smile
only when you buy.

Mama Why?
You hit me and
cut me down.
What happened
to tender carresses
and Good-nite kisses?

Mama Why?
You use and abuse
No Play-doh
No checkers
Just dirty floors
and boyfriends in bed.

Mama Why?

Why am I so alone,
I thought you'd
hold me and keep me safe.
No food or Kool-aid,
Just roaches and darkness.

You are always gone
or so out of it,
you don't know
who I am.

Mama, Why??


A Rose

Does anyone know

how to make a rose grow?

When its trampled

and torn to pieces.

It's scarlet velvet

bleeding and yearning

For the simple touch

of love and life

to begin again.


Sound is beautiful

Sound is beautiful
What is hearing?
When you don't have it...
It interferes with everything.

If you can't hear
you can't communicate

Can't hear the birds
or the wind

Can't hear music in the air
dogs barking
or a baby's cry

Sound is beautiful
to be cherished like love

Peaple don't know
what they have,
They don't realize
how special eveythig is
til its gone....
I don't want people to know
what it is like to lose and never have again..


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

To start

This is where I'll be posting my writings for people to enjoy. If you want to repost these, please ask first, cause these are copywrited.